5 myths about low-calorie foods

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 Numerous advertisements and posters attracts customers to low-calorie foods. Manufacturers of low-fat yogurt, curds and drinks under the label "light" does not tire of repeating that their products give a sense of lightness, improve digestion and reduce waist in a few days. But is it always such products contain "0 calories"? And useful if they really? Nutritionists refute the 5 most common myths about the "easy" power.
 The first myth: "Low-calorie foods can be eaten in large quantities"

Not at all. Low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt and other dairy products can not be used all the time, especially in large quantities. The fact that fats which enter the digestive system of the food, the brain sends a signal saturation. The feeling of hunger blunted by an average of 3-4 hours.

Receive less fat components, the body begins to worry about replenishing energy much earlier - after 30-40 minutes. Man eats a new batch of "light" yogurt, then another and another. And the increasingly "bite", the more calories the body receives.

In addition, low-fat foods less tasty than their full-fledged counterparts. Manufacturers 'improve' the composition of the lite version of sweeteners, aromatic synthetic additives and artificial dyes. Most of these ingredients are safe for health.

Myth Two: "The cake can be a low-calorie"

Again, the trick manufacturers. Instead of the usual animal fats such as butter, introduced into the formulation cheaper substitutes. Very often used palm oil, vegetable cream, egg powder. Such additives reduce the total energy value of baking, but do not make it useful. They interfere with the absorption of food, slow down the natural metabolism and provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Low-calorie sweets actually contain large amounts of simple carbohydrates. Split, they quickly raise blood sugar levels. At this point, the body is under attack of hunger. After a piece of "dietary" cake it is difficult to resist the desire to have a square meal.

Myth Three: "The most useful low-calorie foods - fruits and vegetables"

With this statement can be partly agree. Many fruits, indeed, have a low caloric content, but contain a lot of useful fiber. Thus, the portion of salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes "weighs" only 25 calories.

No restrictions can eat any greens, sweet (bell) peppers, spinach, asparagus, cherries, citrus fruits, etc. But avocados, bananas and dried fruit is better to include on the menu every day. These plant foods are very high in calories, for example, the average banana - about 100 calories.

Those who wish to lose weight for fruits and vegetables, do not "sit" on a mono-diet. A large amount of juicy fruit consumed without animal protein and carbohydrates can lead to bowel disorders and stomach problems.

Myth Four: "Meat low calorie"

Not all. Dietary variety is the rabbit, lean part chicken, turkey, beef, veal. Very useful organ meats.

To preserve the nutritional value of meat and add the extra calorie dish, it must be subjected to proper heat treatment. The best option - stewing, boiling, baking, steaming. Garnish well served fresh vegetable salad or pasta from durum wheat. Any "decoration" dishes sauces, gravies, cheese, etc. caloric intake increases several times. No less dangerous for losing weight and meat combination with alcohol. Last enhances appetite and speeds up the process of digesting food.

Myth Five: "Carbonated beverages" light "- a dietary product"

This is a very common misconception. Drinks with gas should in principle be limited and excluded from the diet diet altogether. After reading the composition of the liquid in a beautiful bottle labeled "0 calories", you need to pay attention to the basic components.

Carbon dioxide, which gives those "magic" bubbles will not only add a few extra inches waist, but also cause increased flatulence and a burning sensation in the stomach. Acid, most often used as a preservative, destroys tooth enamel. A generously added flavor enhancers and artificial colors can trigger a severe allergic reaction. In addition, instead of natural sugar manufacturers use its chemical substitutes that stimulate thirst and appetite.

Tags: product, light, myth, light