The product was purified body

 What foods contain fiber and why it is desirable to include in the diet? Responsible - to. M. N., Dietician Catherine ALEXANDROVA  

 "Sanitation" bowel

Fiber - a component of plant foods that is not absorbed by the body and transits through the intestines. Food manufacturers in the XIX century decided that fiber does non-desired component, and began to make refined vegetable products without ballast substances, which include fiber. Examples of successful separation of the "useful" food of the ballast - white flour, sugar, pasta, rice.

Only a century, scientists have concluded that a thorough removal of "unnecessary" staple fiber has led to an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction, colon cancer, diabetes, haemorrhoids.

Now, nobody doubts the usefulness of fiber. It is called the "sanitation" of the intestine and the personal doctor of the whole organism.

That can not be eaten together with vitamins and medicines

Fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble.


 -Reduces cholesterol and blood sugar;

 -especially useful for people with a tendency to diabetes and cardiovascular disease;

 -not prevents the absorption of minerals from the food, so it can be used together with other products.

Foods with soluble fiber: oats and oat bran, flaxseed, beans and peas, carrots, apples and citrus.


 -sposobstvuet accelerate the movement of food through the intestines;

 -pogloschaet toxins and noxious substances from the food;

 -Reduces risk of developing colon cancer, prevents constipation.

Products with insoluble fiber: wheat, rye, and rice bran. It is recommended to have 30 minutes before a meal 1 - 2 times a day for 1 - 2 teaspoons.

A few recommendations:

+ Replace ordinary white bread for whole grain;

+ Eat daily serving of cereal (4 tbsp. L.) From whole oat or buckwheat, brown rice;

+ Make it a rule to eat 2 - 3 walnuts a day.

CAUTION Insoluble fiber can absorb various substances and minerals, so it is best not to take along with vitamins and medications.


A common misconception is that by replacing ordinary bread on bread with bran, can provide the body with full fiber. In fact, the "bran" bran bread enough and a lot of refined flour. Including in the diet of such products, we do not replenish the body with sufficient fiber and increase the use of refined flour and sugar, no benefit from this.


 Fiber protects against those diseases which formed slowly during the whole life, so preventing products in which it is contained, it is desirable to eat regularly. For example, enough to eat during the day one piece of fruit and a plate of salad with green leafy vegetables. You can also add to the salad 1 - 2 teaspoons freshly ground flax seeds.

 If you are imbued with the idea of ​​a healthy diet, you should not "take off the bat." The intestines should be taught to tissue gradually, otherwise it will be active and indecently protest. Before that you almost do not eat food rich in fiber, then enter it in the diet gradually. First, for example, porridge, a few weeks later - salads, fruits and nuts, then, and then you can proceed to the reception and bran 1/4 teaspoon, gradually increasing the amount.

Tags: organism product