Habit of eating sweet

Habit of eating sweet
 For a large part of women's weight loss can be a very difficult task. As a rule, the ideal figure prevent unhealthy eating habits, for example, the constant desire to eat sweets. However, this problem can be dealt with.
 In the own consumption of sweets there is nothing wrong. They should not be completely excluded from the diet, as opposed to some other product groups, such as potato chips and fast food. Sugar contributes to the success of brain activity, and also stimulates the production of endorphins, which improves mood. But we must remember that sugar and foods high in its content is very high in calories and can easily cause not only weight gain, but also serious illnesses, such as diabetes of the second type.

However, there is one category of products with high sugar content, from which should be abandoned altogether. This sweet refreshments. One glass of this drink can contain up to 100 calories. That's more than one boiled egg or low-fat soup plate. At the same time, can consume such beverages liter, almost without noticing it. Therefore, to maintain harmony replace them with tea and coffee, and sugar. If you do have a fascination with similar drinking, occasionally allow yourself to drinks category "light" - they use no sugar and sweetener. However, abuse them, too, not worth it.

Reconsider the amount eaten sweets. If you are not on a diet, you can allow yourself a dessert after every meal, but it should be small. Prefer advance prepackaged small sweets and cakes, not cakes and chocolates. Set yourself a norm - for example, no more than two chocolates with tea in the afternoon - and stick to it.

Replace, at least partially, high-calorie chocolate ice cream. In a conventional cream cup weighing 80 g on average contains 200 calories. This is much less than in chocolate or cream cakes of the same weight.

Some dieters try to replace the sweetness of fruit. Indeed, it is good practice when it comes to apples or pears. But some fruits can have unpleasant surprise their calorie. For example, 100 g of grape may contain up to 100 kcal. At the same time, very easy to eat 300 grams of sweet yagod- about average bunch - and hardly notice it. However, this portion of the grapes have to be equal to the small cakes.

Tags: sweet, love, habit, fighting, overeating