In category Beauty: Topless
There are many ways to lose weight and rejuvenate: diet, massage, exercise, medical cosmetics, liposuction, implants, mesotherapy, botox injections, etc.
Among a number of scientists and physicians proposed methods of struggle for the youth would like to discuss what we eat or on alternative methods of supply. After all, we are, after all, is composed of what is eaten.
Today, developed a lot of useful methods of supply: separate meals, salt-free diet, the food is steamed, etc. Everyone chooses their most suitable. So it was and always will be, because the health, beauty and youth will always be relevant and in demand.
In this article I would like to draw your attention to the efficiency and use of food, steamed.
The usefulness of this food has already been said a lot, but given the issues with each passing day more and more. As far as is practical, fast, tasty and healthy - to cook food for a couple?
It's no news that the food is steamed, is the diet. Because of this feature such food is great for people who for some reason or illness must abandon the usual cooking. But it's not just diseases. Nutritionists recommend a maximum take good care of your body. This applies to anyone who seriously thinks about his health, figure, beauty appearance. In addition, after steaming products almost do not lose their natural form and color, vitamins and minerals, food is beautiful, fragrant and delicious.
First of all there is a question about the usefulness of dishes cooked on steam. In fact, they have a number of advantages. For cooking by steam cooking does not require the additional use of oil. Thus, the food is steamed, contains a minimum of fats and is completely a dietary dish. The use of such products in food daily yields results "face": a healthy and clean complexion, excessive fatigue disappears, leaving the extra pounds and you unconsciously lose weight and gain strength.
Products steamed contain a maximum soluble minerals and vitamins (such as vitamin C and A).
But the most important question, which is, apparently, most of us are interested in, it's a matter of taste qualities, steamed, food. So here, too, there are no downsides. Food, steamed, turns out more juicy than food cooked in the traditional way, retains the original taste and aroma of fresh produce.
Time to cook delicious and healthy steam cooking spent quite a bit, thanks to modern kitchen appliances such as a microwave or double boiler. They can cook multiple foods without fear to mix tastes and not thinking about the fact that the dish will burn. It's hard enough saves time for preparation, and the result is the same.
When preparing food for a couple of the process does not need constant supervision. No need to constantly something to turn, stir, because the food is cooked evenly and nothing sticks.
Steam, unlike oil, which is used for frying is not deposited on the utensils and does not form an oily film on the furniture.
Dishes prepared in this manner are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements in much the same way as raw foods. But, nevertheless, it is ready to eat meal having excellent palatability.
Caloric steam dishes much lower because it is prepared without high-calorie oil which forms during cooking to harmful carcinogens organism. Food, steamed, is an excellent option for those who want to lose weight without exercise and grueling fitness. Eating such food every day you do not feel hunger, but at the same time losing weight.
Second, Frequently Asked Questions How to cook food for a couple of quick and without any problems?
There are several options:
The simplest device for steaming - pot poured into water and placed it at the top of the sieve, tightly closed, and for additional sealing wrapped around the edge of the cover with a towel. Water in a saucepan boil - and evaporating steam warms, moistens and bring to the readiness of the food.
Another way is possible for a couple of boiling: the pan cover from the top x / cotton cloth so that the cloth slack, and securely attach to the edge of the pan with twine. Pour through a cloth pre-measured amount of boiling water so that the water did not reach the 24 cm of tissue. Put on fabric products, cover the top plate of suitable size (or saucer), tightly cover the pan and place on fire.
And you can just use the modern steamer. This adaptation of modern technology allows you to quickly and inexpensively make a great dish. Enough to put all the ingredients in a bowl, cover with water and put the right time. But with all the advantages, there is a certain group of products, the preparation of which is possible in a double boiler.
In addition to all the above plus a meal, steamed, there are some disadvantages: for steaming only need high-quality products is one of the main disadvantages of this method of cooking.
The fact that steaming not stand overripe or slightly spoiled fruits and vegetables that can be used in conventional cooking. Products must be solid and dense raw. This is one of the conditions that will provide cooking with beautiful and colorful ingredients, not shapeless vegetables and fruits.
For steam cooking should not be too shallow to cut products, this may lead to a homogeneous mass by slimy.
In order to ensure uniform exposure of steam and reduce the term of cooking products must not be laid in the pan tightly.
Based on the fact that the latest fashion trends urge us to abandon the diet and at the same time look slim and toned, the best alternative for weight loss is cooking for a couple. Such food if to add to it at least a minimum of exercise, your body will give the former harmony and vitality. A little makeup and a good perfume, a skilled makeup and stylish clothes toned and slender figure will allow at any age conform to fashion, have their own style and attractive look.
Author: Alexander Yadryshnikova