The game is the result of

 Having a personal trainer fashionable. And what's more - it is useful: the effect of exercise increases a hundredfold. Stops one - it's expensive. How to find a good coach and not to throw good money after bad?


For a start will have to go to a fitness club. Experiment with artisanal alone is not worth it, because we are talking about your health. Choosing a coach "to declare" it is easy to get to the layman and even fraud.

Immediately buy annual club card does not necessarily enough to purchase a subscription for three months, for a maximum of six months. Long-term investments are justified, if you decide to engage in hard times.


To start viewing and take a look. Who are the employees of the club you just cute. Sympathy - is first and foremost. If a person is unpleasant to you, it does not work, you will constantly look for an excuse to skip the next workout, and there is always a reason.

Many instructors in fitness clubs hold group classes, and a convenient way to check your "feelings". As a coach, teaches classes, he says, whether is able to keep the attention on themselves and do not hold one-man show - everything is important!

Group classes - a good test for professionalism. Even if you are in the room for the first time in my life, you should not stay any embarrassment. Imagine that the coach will not see you with beautiful make-up and hair and sweaty, red and with disheveled hair.

With it you'll have to talk one of those "I would like to quickly tighten the buttocks and not inflated legs like a fighter," so that embarrassment and awkwardness should be excluded from the outset. At this stage it is necessary to determine with whom you prefer to engage with a man or a woman.


Assuming everything goes well. Now is a good time to talk.

At first communion there are rules: first say and ask you, then the instructor. Immediately should learn sports specialization coach: it would be strange to engage in Pilates with former swimmer or dancing with the boxer.

In large fitness clubs instructors trained universally, they can spend any group session or workout in the gym. Still, everyone has their own preferences, which are usually associated with personal history of sports.

And then, you may also be biased in the sport, and it is better to choose the one who ace in the right business. It would be nice to ask about the future of education and a personal trainer. In the well-known clubs without it do not take, but if you do a little "local" club, then do not hesitate.

The instructor also asks questions. What do you want to achieve, how often are going to do, working or not, whether there are health problems - all this is a good coach will ask before you start to deal with. And take a look better, it is professional instructor may be that he is not too interested in the results or lightly applies to your health. If there are suspicions, drop it immediately and start a new search. This is not the coach of your dreams.


Correct or not you have made a choice, can only be checked in practice. Prepare immediately: instant results will not be the formation of the body - hard work. Will have to make their own efforts and continuously monitor themselves.

But from the coach, too much depends. With the right training and self-discipline contours of the body begin to change in a month and a half, that is, eight - ten sessions is enough to understand the score for the proposed method.

The meaning of reasonable fitness to become completely externally and internally harmonious. Coach - Assistant conductor and in this case, and you must be firmly convinced that go where you want. If there is no result, change the coach, despite all the sympathy.

Keep in mind, ten meetings can be attached to a person, even if you are talking only about the biceps and triceps. With affection and manipulation better understanding on the psychoanalyst's couch, and you're in a fitness club, and you pay the money. Remind yourself of this, then refuse unsuitable services will be much easier.

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