Postrodovoy fitness

 The duration of the recovery period, after which you will be able to resume the usual fitness depends on the type and severity of birth. Doctors also recommend a return to play sports after a medical examination and no sooner than 6 weeks after delivery.

So, coming back to the fitness program requires caution and slowness, especially with regard to the exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles apart under the pressure of the fetus. This phenomenon is called diastasis recti. It is important to reduce the diastasis and abdominal muscles to return to the normal state before proceeding with any exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

To assess the degree of diastasis, follow not difficult test:

Lie on your back, knees bent. Put your hands on your stomach (at the navel). Raise your head, neck and shoulders to
they are off the floor, and you will feel if there is a gap between the muscles of the abdomen. If you feel that between the muscles and in fact there are gaps, try to measure them with your fingers. Usually abdominal muscles diverge on two fingers. This test should be performed daily until the muscles do not get together as closely as possible. Only then can we begin to standard exercises to strengthen the muscles.

Exercise with a towel to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Lie on your back, knees bent, heels that are in line with the coccyx and buttocks. Wrap a towel around the abdomen and secure it to the abdominal muscles (holding each side). Raise your head, neck and shoulders, so that they come off the floor, exhale and pull your stomach tight styanuv with the towel. This tightens the abdominal muscles, bringing them back to their normal position. Repeat this exercise 10 times daily and keep checking the degree of diastasis.

 "Pros" fitness after childbirth

1. Fitness helps reduce the appearance of postpartum depression and postpartum blues (baby blues)

2. Fitness accelerates recovery "prenatal" figures

3. Fitness provides the body with the necessary energy such

4. Fitness relieves stress (and give yourself time to think about)

Patient with its changing shape

After giving birth, many women are shocked by their own views of the abdomen, which acquired a striking resemblance to the deflated balloon. But no need to panic, it's perfectly normal situation. Over the next few weeks the uterus return to its natural, pre-natal state. Breastfeeding accelerates this process, strengthening and teaching the contractions of the uterus.

However, it should be emphasized that one of breastfeeding is not enough to return to the previous form. Fitness after childbirth accelerate the recovery process and strengthen all muscles of the body that is necessary for life in an intense rhythm that sets the baby.

Treat yourself with patience, do not ask yourself and your body is impossible. Return to the previous form it may take several months or even a year, depending on how much time you can devote sports.

How to find time for fitness

1. Be sure to buy a diary and make it child feeding schedule. Conditionally free time between feedings can be devoted to fitness. For example, the morning after the first feeding can take a walk with your child (preferably walking on level ground, and then gradually move on hilly terrain). Then, when the child falls asleep, you can allocate 15 minutes to perform more serious exercise. Yes, this requires willpower, but when you see the first results, it will inspire you to further achievements.

2. Join a fitness group "Mommy and Me". Typically, these groups operate with large fitness clubs or even hospitals. This is a great way to strengthen the bond with a newborn baby and find a desired time for fitness. It's a win-win solution for both you and your baby!

3. Collect various video library fitness programs for young mothers, preferably of varying duration and intensity, to choose a suitable, when there will be time and opportunity.

4. Do the exercises when doing daily chores. For example, exercises for pelvic floor muscles (Kegel exercises) can be performed anywhere, they are very useful to create a strong and stable pelvic muscles (usually they lose their elasticity during pregnancy and after childbirth are weakened, as the body is still there, "pregnancy hormones", especially if a woman is breastfeeding).

Fitness and Health

1. Buy a good supportive bra. Milk production due to increased mammary glands, so they need extra support.

2. Precautions engaged in active sports - after pregnancy pelvic ligaments and joints have lost elasticity and strength. It is therefore important to perform basic exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles to prevent low back pain and joint injuries.

3. Drink plenty of fluids to maintain normal water balance in the body, especially during breastfeeding.

4. Listen to your body. If you are tired, do not force yourself, relax. Try not to push yourself - all the time, and once you feel ready for classes.

5. At the first sign of dizziness and nausea, or changing the color of vaginal discharge should see a doctor. Perhaps the cause is too intense fitness.
To keep in shape, many doctors recommend Pilates exercises for young mothers in conjunction with weightlifting and cardio workouts for dropping excess weight.

Try 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the heart (cardio exercise - walking, jogging, walking), as well as exercises for the general tone of at least three times a week.

Most importantly - enjoy this wonderful time with your baby. You have done a miracle - gave life to man.
Overweight - not much of a price for this happiness. Be patient, and your figure will soon be the same!

Tags: stomach, diastasis