Physical inactivity: my personal enemy

Physical inactivity: my personal enemy
 Every woman has idea of ​​the perfect way of life for her. A dream, in a word. Of course, a knight on a white yacht goes, not all, but a heavy proportion of women, fortunately, also remained somewhere in the last century. At least, my personal household fairy tale come true - praise scientific progress! I sit in a clean office, for an excellent computer to the printer - within arm's reach, coffee - on a nearby table. And the house of intense exercise tends to zero. Machine-gun erases itself, salads harvester cuts, microwave chicken is cooking, and I with a laptop in a comfortable chair to relax - read women's magazine JustLady. Agree - paradise!

But here's the strange thing - after standing for half an hour in the kitchen, tired, like bricks dragged ... complained to her husband and was an all-male board: rest, dear, and let it be! Said my mother - she was frightened, began to enumerate the terrible disease. A friend made their verdict:lack of exercise! And said that we must not drive me to the doctor, and in the gym. There's coach will select the optimal physical activity, and a month later I'll jump like a kangaroo ...

Say at once - I miss circumstantial, but very lazy. Until I find out exactly why I strain - not shake my finger! I'd like to not hurt anything, but to be treated by the method of violence against a loved one? And then, as I may not have enough physical activity, and when the night without a little exhausting ?! So I do not go to the gym and on the Internet.

All her symptoms I found quickly, and doubt in the sentence disappeared.Lack of exercise - Truly horrible beast! And biting, as it turned out, many. But it is not a disease but an interesting state of the organism when bodily idleness slowly and surely beats you to all organs without exception. From a lack of physical activity pressure jumps, legs hurt, my head does not work - and a young, smart, beautiful woman turns into not thinking wreck.

Here at the ancient man of such problems, of course, was not. While the mammoth hunt down until zabesh until brought into the cave - seven pots come. Then he had to plow, to sew clothes from the skins and stuff. Smart Greeks to twiddle, brought slaves, but to deal with physical inactivity invented the Olympic Games. Even the nobles, leading only idle life, promenade bedtime certainly committed. And with the current benefits of civilization and people strolling something more on the machines.

Physical inactivity: my personal enemy

Unconsciously, but we try very diligently to save energy. Why spend too much? Carry the vacuum cleaner by the handle, if the wheels fastened to it? Turn the grinder when there is electric? And the water is not necessary to carry home - itself flows from the tap. And go to the library to anything - there is a computer at home, best friendhypodynamia. He loads the wonderful eyes and brain, completely off his feet, spoils posture ... I am not in any way call to throw all the equipment in the trash! But off the screen on at least ten minutes, waving his arms and legs - this is not a problem? By the way, the women's magazine JustLady told me valuable information about burning calories during exercise - the body takes energy from the fat cells, and hateful pounds go!

No doubt - a modern woman is fully loaded, and nightly workout time to spend a pity. But three - four hours a week set aside for yourself and everyone can. Running or gym, gymnastics front of the TV or the pool - it does not matter! Even walking save the situation - the main thing that the optimal exercise was a regular!

Judge for yourself - with physical activity increases dramatically the need for oxygen. When working muscle blood actively exchanging oxygen for carbon dioxide, comes into play nervous system, which is to maintain the balance of the body. Increase in breathing and heart rate, increased cardiac output, blood vessels dilate. Body is under stress! But when the intensity of physical activity is designed correctly and exercise regularly, then the reaction to them is quick and adequate. Strengthens the muscles in charge of respiration, strengthens the heart, lost a constant feeling of fatigue and malaise. Optimal exercise will make sure to work smoothly all the organs and systems.

Still go to the doctor is also necessary - especially if for any reason you stand registered in the clinic. Who among us can call himself completely healthy? Chronic diseases, unfortunately, not uncommon, and they require an individual approach. No serious fitness club will not allow for classes without a medical certificate. Energy expenditure during exercise should benefit, not harm. Try to get to run at full strength core diabetic or asthmatic. If we do not get an attack or, God forbid, a heart attack, the worsening of the disease - guaranteed!

But a healthy man should not exhaust itself unusual and exorbitant activities. It is better to listen to the coach, who not only make the program, but also teach proper breathing during exercise. After all, if you breathe like a hedgehog, quickly and often, the blood does not manage to get enough oxygen to muscles ache, and my heart hurt. No wonder that the monks of Tibet have come up with 37 breathing techniques and even capable of willpower to direct blood to the correct authority. Learn it is certainly possible - about half of my life. But for counting the pulse during physical exertion monks do not need - enough for a simple timer. Found the artery at the wrist, count beats for 10 seconds and multiply by six - get the number of heartbeats per minute.

I myself, admittedly, many hours of immobility has achieved tremendous results. On the third floor the stairs, do not lift - heart jumps. Only the elevator! At any exertion pressure jumps, and breathing gets off instantly and permanently. About to go for a run with the dog on the grass and not talking - dog runs, I stand leash play. And periodically swallow pills that sort of tone is raised. But such a tablet can replace most elementary charge.

So the need for optimal exercise I realized not a good life. Solved! On the elevator ride is no longer regularly go to the gym! And I really hope to meet women's magazine readers there JustLady - after fightphysical inactivity better in good company.

 Elena Afanasyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: fight the enemy, symptom, physical inactivity