Nutrition during exercise

Nutrition during exercise
 Nutrition during exercise can be divided into three stages. First - a meals directly to the load, the second - during, and the third - the final reception, which follows after a complete physical activity. Proper nutrition helps to bring the body in the best shape.

Before physical activity are needed. Many people think that if they will not eat before training, they will be able to achieve greater effect, for example, more to lose weight. But it is not. Of course, one should not eat right before class, after a meal should take at least two hours. The exception is the morning workout when you need to eat something light, such as an apple or yogurt, but still at least 20-30 minutes before training. If you do not eat for some time before training, the physical activity will take place at half strength, with food the body to burn more calories.

If exercise is in the second part of the day, you should dine in compliance with the rules for 2-3 hours before your workout. Before exercise can eat slow carbohydrates that the body will be a long process, using a slow fuel. This can be bread, pasta, potatoes. Will benefit from protein foods such as meat or fish, and eggs. Vegetables will not be denied.

Before training is better not to eat sweets, because it is absorbed very quickly. At first you will feel a great burst of energy, but then he quickly evaporate and cause the opposite effect, remain strong fatigue and hunger.

Directly during exercise is better not to eat anything but drink as needed. The body loses a lot of fluids, and from this deteriorating health. Fluid loss can even lead to fainting. Water or tea without sugar are best suited for their thirst.

The most difficult time for most people - the right food after exercise. Hunger and fatigue and urged on: "A little bit will not hurt, because the training was so intense." But if you eat after class high-calorie fatty foods, you risk negate all their efforts. During a workout, the body's metabolism speeds up, so hunger naturally. It will take place somewhere in a couple of hours. Of course, is not at all - is also wrong. Without the support of the protein the body can begin to burn its own muscle.

If the first few hours after exercise to eat protein and carbohydrate food, it used the body to restore and increase muscle mass. Thus, it is an ideal way to replace the fat tissue on the muscle. After training you need to eat foods that will help restore the contents of amino acids: meat, fish and poultry, nuts and carbohydrates: cereals, wholemeal bread, to compensate for the consumption of glycogen in the liver.

Tags: Ambassador, nutrition, exercise, load