Makes the body! Twist hoop for a slim waist

 At that only women do not go for slim waist! For example, the singer Cher has removed some ribs to make their camp a couple of centimeters slimmer. Many famous actresses pace yourself diets as long as they do not lose weight waist to the Hollywood standard. Women's magazine JustLady knows more simple and painless way how to make your waist slim. Just need to remember so familiar to us from childhood things like wrap waist.

I remember in high school years youtwisted hoop in gym class or with her friends in the yard? Then on your waist did not seem any excess fat. But over time, this was a good thing forgotten. You're looking for the causes of wrinkles on her stomach in overeating and sedentary work. Limit yourself to food and angry that pounds away with great difficulty. It's time to go back toHoops for waist!

How did the band?

It is believed thatSports WrapOften it is called hula-hoop or hulahup (from the English hula - People Hawaiian dance, hoop - hoop), invented the American Richard Knerr in 1957. In fact, waist hoops were used for many years before the invention of the hula-hoop. They were found during excavations in Egypt and the ancient Greek images. Shakespeare mentionswrap waist in his "Merry Wives of Windsor." In the USSR, the hoop became extremely popular after the film "Welcome, or No Trespassing." There's one of the heroines of virtuoso turnshula-hoopCausing envy peers. Since then, the hoop was one of the favorite pastimes of schoolgirls, and later began to be used in rhythmic gymnastics.

Makes the body! Twist hoop for a slim waist

What are the hoops?

The first type - normalHoops for waist, Also calledgymnastic hoops. Those same hoops that you are familiar with childhood. They are made of plastic or a light metal (usually aluminum). And those and others - are hollow inside.Metal hoops harder than plastic, and are more durable. Conventional hoops suitable for training both children and adults.

The second type -weighted hoops. Their weight from five grams to two kilograms. Such shells help increase the burden on the waist and hips and will suit those who are actively struggling with being overweight. Weighted hoops sold in specialty sports stores. If you are short of funds, you can easily heavier conventional wrap yourself: you simply fall asleep inside his cereal (such as peas or rice). Similar stories are full of magical transformation of numerous women's hoops online forums. A big plus - at any time you can return the original weight of the hoop, pour the contents back.

Massage hoop - On its inner surface is provided with special massaging elements. Typically, these hoops slightly smaller in size than the standard gymnastics. Their therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that the massage attachments affect the active points of the body, thereby activating the process of splitting fat and smoothing the skin.

Makes the body! Twist hoop for a slim waist

Issued also advanced models - for example, with a built-in calorie counter. You're spinning hoop, and it shows how committed turns, and on how many calories you get rid of. Orcollapsible hoop - Its effectiveness, of course, the same as a conventional, but it is convenient to store in the folded form.

Harm or benefit?

Many question arises:twist hoop helpful or harmful? Fears of harm gymnastic hoops arisen because of the misconception that, when rotating at the waist, the projectile may compress the internal organs. Want to destroy this myth. Our bodies are protected muscular corset, hoop therefore can not damage them. However, if you do not exercise, do not start with a weighted hoop exercises. Suitable for beginners light plastic or metal hula-hoop. Rotation hoop helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles, eliminates the extra pounds around the waist and hips and even promotes victory over cellulite. On top of all, turn the hoop useful for training of the vestibular apparatus and breathing.

Hoop - perfect for busy racing simulator. You cantwist hoopFor example, while watching your favorite movie or TV show. If you study a foreign language, you can include a CD with dialogues and parallel work to do harmony waist. You can rotate the hoop, talk on a cell with a girlfriend. In general, solid plus!

How to turn the hoop?

If you have not previously involved in fitness, begin exercises with conventional, easy hoop. The first two or three days takes at 5-7 minutes, then gradually increase the time to 20-30 minutes sessions per day. When you feel that your abdominal muscles become more elastic, and the twenty-minute classes are held with ease, you can if you want to start using a weighted hoop. At the beginning of his waist may have bruising. This is quite normal. However, if you experience on this issue, you can at the beginning of training with a weighted hoop to wear a special belt (eg, neoprene), or simply wrapped around the waist 2-3 layers of thick fabric.

Exercises with hoop

Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Take hoop in hand and unleash it around your waist or counter-clockwise (as you prefer). Circular movements waist and hips makes hoop spinning at the same level. Please note: the abdominal muscles should be stretched at all times during the exercise.

Catching up with the hoop, do not expect quick results. For visible effect need to do the exercises every day for at least 3-4 weeks. Greater efficiency can be achieved if you combine classesHoop for weight loss and a special diet. Make a choice in favor of plant foods, try not to load up at night and regularly drink milk products.

Did you know that the owner of the slender waist in the world is an American retired Cathy Jung? The size of her waist - only 38 centimeters! However, to achieve such a result could an American 25-year-old wearing a slimming corset. Record among Russian actress Lyudmila Gurchenko belongs - during the filming of "Carnival Night" grabbed her waist was only 45 centimeters. But the men, according to the survey, do not pay attention to the size of the waist, and on its relation to the volume of the thighs. Considered ideal proportion when the waist is from 60 to 70% of hip circumference. Therefore, if you wear pants size 48, it is unlikely you should aim for a waist Gurchenko. Decidinglose weight with hoopAnd reviews the adequacy of its capabilities and features of the body shape. The main thing - not a formal waist size and harmonious overall physique, muscle tone and lack of excess fat. Natural beauty never goes out of fashion.

Elena Yarkova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: size, calorie counter, belt, occupation, waist, exercise, use, weight loss, review, hoop, rotate, steeper Gurchenko