Let's talk about the bike

 So you've finally decided to buy cardio. Among the diversity of the range you will not be easy to navigate: treadmills, exercise bikes, steppers, rowing, elliptical trainers - how to choose? Over the past few years, the most popular home exercise equipment was recognized as a stationary bike.  

First of allWith regard to size, exercise bike has many advantages over a treadmill or elliptical trainer. It is compact, easy to move (weight 25-30 kg), and some models even folded in half. So that in your apartment will be enough space for free movement.

Secondly, The cost of a simple model of the bike is much lower than its kardiosobratev.

Thirdly, Bike almost universal simulator. Since the height of the seat is adjusted depending on the growth of man, it can deal with everything from small to large. Moreover, there are models that allow you to engage in a reclining position, they are ideal for people who are overweight as well as reduce the strain on the back and waist. Catching up on a stationary bike, you can control the parameters of the training using the integrated computer display which displays workout time, distance, speed, calories and of course, your pulse.

Considered to be the most advanced magnetic exercise bikes. Due to the electromagnet attracting wheel flywheel creates a kind of resistance. Thus, you can set the desired level of load. One of the advantages of magnetic exercise bikes are totally silent in operation.

Bicycle ergometer - A special group of bikes that have advanced training computer provides a variety of training programs. Computer self-loading doses, focusing on the given parameters of the program. Such models are essential for people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, which is why ergometers are increasingly used in rehabilitation centers.

But before you buy an exercise bike, beware! Do not turn this useful unit in a clothes hanger? For all its advantages, exercise bike after some time can bore its monotony. To avoid this:

- Be engaged in your favorite upbeat music - and not to interfere with the home, you can simply put on the headphones;
- Watch TV, lying on the couch and in the saddle the bike, thus do not forget to pedal!
- As an experiment, try to pedal in the opposite direction (back), you get a slightly different load on leg muscles and diversity training;
- Buy a video cassette with velotreninga image program, and by following the instructor, exercise to your health!

Let me remind you that the exercise bike - is primarily an aerobic exerciser. If the purpose of your training is weight loss, in this case, the duration of the sessions should be at least 30-50 minutes, and pulse - in the range of 65% -85% of the maximum allowable. (Maximum heart rate is calculated using the formula 220 minus age). It is also useful to conduct a mini cardio for 15 minutes every morning as charging and full training - 2-3 times a week in combination with strength training. I note that the classes on a stationary bike is good not only strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory system, but also the muscles of the thighs. If you are still undecided cardio, visit your nearest sporting goods store and take a look. Perhaps the "faithful horse" is waiting for you!

Natalia Smirnova

Tags: exercise bike