Jump Rope for slimming and cellulite

 Most of those who are watching their figure or constantly struggling with being overweight, know that excess fat deposits and cellulite are not the same thing. Slimming we usually do focus on reducing diets. In the fight against cellulite is primarily recommended to pay attention to the special procedures. But it is clear that in this and in another case, can not do without exercise. And it is not necessary to choose different types of training, to solve these problems. Today women's magazine JustLady prove that such a simple thing as a jump rope for weight loss and cellulite is enough.

Action rope exercise on weight no need to explain, and so it is clear that while burn calories. Cellulite, I think we need some clarification. Cellulite - fat cells that accumulate the female body with a single purpose - safe childbearing. It follows that to rid itself of the threat of the disease is almost impossible. However, there are many ways to restrain the growth of subcutaneous adipose tissue. This, of course, special procedures, proper nutrition and, most importantly, exercise.

Jump Rope for slimming and cellulite

How, then, can help rope of cellulite?

If your muscles are always in a good tone, the deposition of fat cells under the skin will be much slower. Jumping rope also improve lymph flow, which is an important prerequisite for getting rid of cellulite.

Also, we all know that the favorite place of cellulite - thighs, legs, buttocks. He, of course, can "get out" and in other places, but these play an important role in child-bearing, so this is where cellulite is manifested in all its glory. D First of all it should exercise the legs.

If you userope for weight loss and celluliteThen as an added bonus you can safely rely as to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Jumping rope, according to experts is the best cardio.

A major role in achieving your goal of playing the selection of the rope and jumping technique. Jumping, you have to keep your back perfectly straight, in a strictly fixed position. It is also necessary to press your elbows to the body. Thus, during the jump you'll just rotate the rope tassels and springy legs during clear of the floor and landing.

To exercise withrope for slimming and anti-cellulite were as effective as possible, we must first choose the right rope. And it all depends on your height and wishes.

The correct length of the rope will work optimally, it is straining the muscles that are required.
 Additional features can help you to increase the load, or count the number of calories burned. For this purpose there are, respectively, with the additional weight of the rope, and with built-in calorie counter.

In order to determine the length, you need to know to grow. The length of the rope is then determined as follows:
- With growth of less than 152 cm length of the rope should be 210 cm;
- With growth of less than 176 cm - 250 cm;
- With growth of less than 183 cm - 280 cm;
- With growth of more than 183 cm - 310 cm.

Jumpingrope for weight loss and cellulite can be very simple or more complex: on one leg, back and forth, in one place or turns, and so on, as far as your imagination. However, one should start with a slow tempo and short workouts for 10-15 minutes. Even if your class with a rope will not exceed this time, but you will deal with on a daily basis, in a couple of weeks will be able to notice some changes.

Well, if you decide to approach the issuelosing weight and getting rid of cellulite with the help of the rope seriously, then you should make the classes more prolonged.

Good effect with exerciserope for weight loss and cellulite gives use during the training of special anti-cellulite. Apply them better on the hot body after a workout, but before the main part.

Warming can be done in a few minutes with jumping rope at a slow pace, while not warm up muscles. And you can make this a full workout, which will prepare your muscles for the exercises withrope for weight loss and cellulite much more efficient.

To do this, make a few slopes, squats, lunges kicks, spins body, jumps on his toes. After the warm-up and applying a special cream you can start to exerciserope for weight loss and cellulite.

Training will give the most significant results, if you would bring her time to 30-45 minutes a day, as well as pay attention to nutrition or will a couple of times a week to arrange fasting days.

Once you reach the desired results, you can again reduce the time to 15 minutes of exercise to keep in shape. You can also include 10-15 minutes of jumping rope in the main complex, which you do for weight loss and cellulite.

In conclusion I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the exercises with a rope have contraindications. If you have joint disease or degenerative cartilage lesions have to give up exercise withrope for weight loss and cellulite.

If you have too much excess weight, you also better to wait. But when you drop a number of pounds and be able to move freely and easily, you can move to the Exercises withrope for weight loss and cellulite.

In the case of diseases of the cardiovascular system, before taking in the rope, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: length, exercise, weight loss, review, jump, contraindication, jump rope