Hula-hoop: wasp waist

Hula-hoop: wasp waist
 If you want to impress others slim waist and slender body, you come to the aid known since childhood thing - hula-hoop. Through regular exercises with a hoop, you will be able to bring their waist in order and find the desired harmony.
 Hula-hoop, better known in Russia as the hoop was invented in the US in 1957. The name "hula-hoop" was formed from the combination of two words: «hula» (one of the Polynesian folk dance) and «hoop» (in English "hoop"). For several decades hoops noticeably changed. Modern shops selling sporting goods, offering different models hula-hoops, the most popular of which are the following:

1. Normal hoop.

Classical model, made of metal or polyethylene hollow inside. With such hula hoops doing our grandmothers and mothers.

2. Folding hoop

This model is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the data types can be added - twice or four times. If the storage space of the hoop little folding model - the best choice.

3. Weighted.

Such a hula-hoop weighs 0, 5-2 kg, so it is more vigorously massaging the waist and hips.

Positive aspects of employment with the hoop:

1. Training the cardiovascular system and respiratory

Without exercise health gradually destroyed. However, inexperienced person can not immediately engage in intensive forms of fitness, for example, dance aerobics. To prepare for more severe stress, better start practicing with the hoop.

2. The burning of calories.

Torsion hula-hoop - a type of aerobic exercise that promotes rapid burning of calories.

3. Training of the vestibular apparatus.

If you got from nature is not the best vestibular apparatus, using the torsion of the hoop you can significantly improve your condition.

4. Do not harm the internal organs.

Classes hoop will not harm the internal organs as they protect tense muscles lumbar and press. However, if you have not engaged in any sports, do not just start with a weighted hula-hoop model. Your muscles for this is still too weak.

5. Comfort in use.

Learn how to turn the hoop is very simple, and the risk of getting the grass is negligible. In addition, the hula-hoop is always at hand, and you do not have to buy a ticket to an expensive fitness club.

6. Improves skin tone in the hips and waist

Through practicing with a hoop skin in this area is smooth, decrease cellulite.

Negative aspects of employment with hula-hoop:

1. Do not expect an instant effect.

To get the desired result, have patience. However, the same can be said about any other sport.

2. It is impossible to get rid of large amounts of fat.

According to scientists, the daily twist wrap for 5-10 minutes for 2-3 weeks will help reduce the waist and hips by 1 cm, and the total weight loss was about 0, 5 kg.

Technique training with hoop

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, toes apart. Legs can be kept straight or slightly bent at the knees. Body weight to be distributed evenly on both legs.

Tighten the muscles in the waist and hips, try to keep them in this state, all workout. Lower the hula-hoop on the waist and give it a spin. Twist wrap around the waist and hips through the motions the body, neck and legs.

The sooner you take for the restoration of the body in order, the sooner you can get a beautiful figure.

 Author: Angelica Petyakina

Tags: hulahup