How to strengthen your fingers

How to strengthen your fingers
 In many eastern fighting technique requires strong fingers. That is why those who are seriously interested in martial arts or just want to have a firm grip, you should do specific exercises.
 Exercises to strengthen the fingers especially necessary for those who are engaged in military equipment, including submission techniques (eg, aikido).

Before each class necessarily makes it easy to warm up, rubbing his fingers for 1-2 minutes. Then he clasped his hands in the lock and put your hands up, stretch. Repeat this exercise several times.

Widely known small complex used for this purpose. In the role of sports equipment acts in this case an ordinary brick:
1. Take a brick. Shifted his fingers over the surface of the fingers of the same hand.
2. Throw and catch a brick first fingers of both hands, and then - each in turn.
3. Throw a brick so that it turned over in the air and catch it first fingers of both hands, and then - in the same way each turn.
4. Take the brick and hold it with your fingers, rotate the arm at the elbow.
5. Hold the brick sides fingers of both hands, rotate it in one direction and then the other.

Instead of bricks you can use dumbbells, making her the most thick pen - 10.8 cm. Try to first learn to hold it without much effort, then - pop and catch.

Perform push-ups. First - from the wall (2 times a day for 100), further and further away from it as long as you do not get wrung out only on the fingertips. Gradually move to the classic exercises of this type, as well over time by clicking on the fingers.

Useful and will pull. Only for beam horizontal bar should be fairly thick. First, use your fingers to pull all without compressing them into a fist, then - 4, and finally three.

Under normal conditions, for constant training, you can use a tennis ball, a rubber ring expander. Would be nice if you will attend a climbing wall and learn to keep on your toes its own weight.

Tags: finger training, strengthening