How to learn to move beautifully

How to learn to move beautifully
 Beautiful movement - is primarily a beautiful walk with your head held high, flat back, easy step. Sometime in the Institute for Noble Maidens ladies specially taught a walk. Nowadays, women are paying attention to makeup and clothes, often do not even think about how they move, and this causes considerable damage to its image.
 Learn to walk the beautiful is not so difficult. Why are so graceful women's movement of the southern and eastern countries? Thanks to the thousand-year tradition of wearing weights on the head. Try with a load on top of the head to move rapidly and widely, slouch or lower the head - the burden will fall immediately! This is the basis for the exercise of a beautiful gait: learn worn on the head of something heavy, such as a book.

Stand up straight, his back to the wall, dilute shoulders, lift the chin and put on the crown of the head is heavy (vocabulary, for example). Go! And try in whatever was to keep the book on his head. Do not be tense, relax, move smoothly in a straight line. Do not make too broad steps, but not the seed. Feet should bounce at the knees, and the movement - to go from the bottom of his feet, "from the hip" (remember the famous film Ryazanov?).

Stepping, stepping on the first sock feet, and then - on the heel, stand on the whole foot at once. Shoulders lift is not necessary. Breathe evenly and deeply: breath into four steps, exhale on the following four steps. Train every day until you can wear with ease book on his head without dropping it. And in the future for another month or two go home so constantly, until a beautiful, smooth gait does not become habitual.

Another way to learn how to move gracefully - dance training under the guidance of an experienced teacher. Dancing produce beautiful posture, rhythmic movements, the ability to keep the muscles in the right tone. In addition, you get a lot of pleasure, positive emotions from the process of learning. The girl, who is able to dance well, never stooped will not wander with his head down - on the contrary, it will always stand out in a crowd of proud bearing and beautiful movements.

Do not forget about their gestures. These movements are inextricably linked with speech, and few who control them consciously. Meanwhile, too sharp, sweeping gestures are not in harmony with the appearance of a beautiful woman. Try to gesticulate smoothly reserved.

The results of activities, be it home exercises with a book or dancing, quickly make themselves felt. And you'll be more likely to catch on his views of interested persons of the opposite sex attracted new, beautiful plasticity of your movements.

Tags: foot, book, gesture, movement