How to get better in the fall

How to get better in the fall
 Many women say that with the advent of cold weather has successfully dropped in the spring and summer of extra pounds start to come back again. Autumn weight gain - a phenomenon which can be fought successfully by following a few simple tips.

The reason that most people in the autumn of gaining weight, a few. First of all, the human body with the onset of the cold season is trying to delay "in store" a few pounds - so the fall is usually marked increase in appetite. Moreover, compared with the summer we move less. Psychologists call and another reason for the fall of weight gain, depression, starting with the arrival of cold and rainy weather. Bad mood people are usually "stuck" with something tasty, without thinking about the amount eaten. How could still pull myself together to get better in the fall?

Will fight with all the factors fall weight gain: increased appetite, lack of movement and depressed mood. Be sure to monitor the amount eaten and the products that are included in your diet. It is better to keep a food diary so you can not themselves be aware of how many different "goodies" eat for a day. Try to eat less fat and sweet, and after 19:00 is limited only by apple and a glass of kefir.

Struggle with a lack of motor activity, it would seem the easiest: just enroll in a sports club or start doing daily exercises. But the biggest challenge is to get yourself to practice regularly. Here the main thing - not to retreat and be consistent, then the effect will not take long. Psychologists advise to choose the type of employment, accompanied by music. Ideal dancing - they elevate mood, helping to effectively deal with the third cause of the fall of weight gain, depression.

To improve the use of mood pleasant for you classes: a walk in the park, drawing or sewing, chat with their friends, playing with the kids, watching your favorite movies with happy endings. And most importantly - enjoy the beauty of autumn, like this time of the year! In this case, neither depression nor those extra pounds you will not be afraid.

Tags: Autumn pounds