How to choose an exercise bike

 Choose the appropriate exercise bike is not really that difficult, much more difficult not to surrender after the first workout and continue to improve your body. And it's so often turns into a handsome exercise bike from the elegant sports equipment in expensive clothes hanger for home ... Therefore, advises honestly admit to yourself - if you can regularly enough willpower and desire? If the answer is yes - sincerely wish you success, achieve the goal and are happy to tell about how to choose an exercise bike of your dreams!

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What awaits us at regular trainings?

1.Lose weight. Load can reduce weight and keep fit.

2.Legs and buttocks. Classes on a stationary bike form a new figure, first of all it refers to the legs and buttocks, they become more toned and beautiful.

 3.Health. Feasible and reasonable workout on a stationary bike strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as increase endurance and resistance to its undesirable external influences.

How to choose an exercise bike

Choose an exercise bike

What exercise bike is better? For a start take a look at what they do there. The first group -mechanical bikes:

Load regulation in these bikes is a manual process. According to a method for controlling this very load simulators are divided on the belt and shoe.

Belt bikes compact and easy to have a minimum set of functions, which really is enough for standard training computer displays: distance, time, speed, calories burned. Load of bikes depends on the tension and friction of the wheel-flywheel.
• Action shoe bikes based on the resistance of brake pad is pressed against the flywheel, they have high inertia, as well as perfectly mimic the ride on a racing bike.

In the online stores cost mechanical bikes, on average, from 3500 rubles.

How to choose an exercise bike

The second group -magnetic exercise bikes. Quiet and more durable with a smooth movements - the intensity of load depends on the change in the distance between the permanent magnets and the flywheel. Computers magnetic exercise bikes significantly enhance the comfort level of training.

In the online stores cost magnetic exercise bikes, on average, from 6000 rubles.

How to choose an exercise bike

Computer exercise bike

Bike computer displays important information about the state of charge of (pulse), informs about the number of calories burned, distance traveled, time spent on training, some models even allow you to set heart rate programs that automatically adjust the load, depending on the parameters of the pulse. Oh, and, in general, the more expensive the exercise bike, the more interesting extra features at the computer.


Pulse sensors are used for all bikes, changing depending on the model and its value. There areSensors on the earlobe, wireless sensors and sensors embedded in the handle bike. The last option is probably the most convenient.

How to choose an exercise bike

Special thanks to the first training beginners. Very carefully, should be approached to stress and is best to consult with a trainer.Excessive loads are dangerous! Experts recommend beginners to train with a pulse rate110 - 120 beats per minute. During the first training heart rate should be about 65 - 70% of the maximum age pulse (IMP), which is calculated by the following formula: 220 minus your age. Below is a table of the control pulse depending on the pulse. This number is better to go slowly, beginning with smaller loads.

How to choose an exercise bike

We hope that our article abouthow to choose an exercise bike will be useful to you. Good health, good mood and harmony!

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: muscle, exercise bike