How to choose a trainer

 Without the help of the man you hardly manage. He knows what kind of exercise you need to perform, will explain how to do them, to find the right words to support you, and practically hand will lead to the desired goal. This man - a personal trainer.

Catching up without a coach, at least in the initial stage sports, you'll do much wrong. At best, these workouts - wasted time, at worst - a serious health hazard.

Why do it

The main reason for individual workouts with a trainer - the need to learn the proper technique exercises. After all, in this aspect of fitness is no different than football or tennis. You also can not think of something that can easily take the racket and go to court against the mother of tennis player. And fitness - if you want to succeed, consult with professionals.

Once the basics are mastered, throwing sessions with a trainer, too, should not be. After training the most effective when their program is designed to suit your personality. That is made up not only in terms of your physical form, but also takes into account your daily routine. For example, if you've spent the day before stormy evening, the next day the best that you are capable of, - Easy runs. And in your program activities listed bench barbell. The instructor will help you redistribute the load to deviations from the program did not affect the final result.

In addition there is also a motivational aspect - you'll be less likely to skip a class, knowing that you will find a different person. With a guide, you feel more secure, and indeed personal trainer - a real fount of knowledge on diet and training methods.


To choose the right instructor who would fit for you, there are several ways. The first - by sorting all the trainers in the gym. The second - more efficient. Gathering information can be started immediately at the reception. After all, a girl or young people out there who are usually involved themselves in the club and can provide you with useful information about the instructors.

In addition, any club there is a gallery of portraits of trainers. You can just see who these people makes you more confidence. After a personal trainer - it's like a doctor or lawyer. It should be a person you trust completely or sympathize.

And, most importantly, look like the coach is working with another client, and you'll see whether it's your people. Usually an important factor when choosing a coach is the similarity of physical and psycho. Firstly, people subconsciously choose their own kind. And secondly, people always sees an example of how he wanted to be.


Uniform classification level fitness instructors in our country is not, and each network is developing its own. The highest category usually referred to as "master trainer" (sometimes used variants of "Grand Master" or "Master +"). Below is listed a personal trainer (or simply "coach"), even lower - fitness instructor.

Grand Master - is usually a generalist, the author's own methods of training, with experience in the clubs of five years, with vocational education is on the theory and practice of fitness. Services are a coach usually expensive, but costs are compensated.

Personal Achievements coach also are important, but not of primary importance. It is not all good athletes become an outstanding coach. As much more appreciated that the coach himself produced several champions.

How to Save

Of course, sessions with a personal trainer - not a cheap pleasure. You can cut costs by combining lessons with an instructor and independent training. The main thing is to warn the instructor that you are going to do in this mode, so he prepared a program for you with this in mind.

If the choice between self-employed, and with the coach through time, and "month with an instructor month alone," it is preferable to the first option. The less time between your appointments, the better.

If you chose the second option, while self-training can completely free to consult on duty in the hall trainer. Actually, then he is on duty.

Finally. Back to the coach's never too late. This is absolutely normal situation. According to the rules of any club, you are not tied to any particular instructor and you can distribute paid employment even among all coaches in the hall.


Depending on the level of fitness club, type and complexity of the training program, qualification trainer and the number of paid training hour private lessons cost from 20 to 100 dollars.

Tags: coach