How to build muscle through diet

How to build muscle through diet
 Many girls want to become muscular, healthy and beautiful, but do not know how to build muscle. Indeed, nearly everyone can achieve this goal. Only need to train hard, right to recover from the stress and eat.
 Training for gaining lean muscle specific. Focus on the basic exercises: bench press, deadlift and squat with a barbell. General recommendations - exercise should be performed 5-6 approaches, each of which is 3-4 reps. For more program you write trainer.

The most important role in creating a beautiful body plays sports diet. In order to build muscle mass at the expense of food must adhere to basic rules. It is important to understand the process of the formation of muscle cells. They are formed after microfractures existing muscle tissue that occurs during training. For new tissue growth need protein (mostly - proteins) and the energy that the body takes from carbohydrates.

Eat as much protein. The minimum amount of protein in muscle building - 2 5 grams per kilogram of your weight. On the packaging of most products, you can read the contents of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This will allow you to make the right diet to build muscle. Protein in the diet should not be less than 60 percent, carbohydrate - not less than 30. The content of fat in your diet be reduced to a minimum.

The most preferred sources of protein: dairy products, chicken and quail eggs, beef, chicken, mushrooms and nuts. From carbohydrates is best to choose digestible energy sources - cereals and fruits. Fatty acids that are essential for your body, it is possible to draw from olive and flaxseed oil, marine fish.

In addition to nutrition, an important role in building muscle metabolism play. Drink plenty of fluids - it will significantly speed up the metabolism. During the training you need to drink at least 3 liters of water. Take to the gym a bottle of mineral water - so you'll be less tired and maintain water balance in the body.

Tags: weight, count, diet, food