How fast do the splits

 Maybe you've ever played sports and had good success, or just decided to hit home with its extraordinary flexibility, the best way to demonstrate this - do the splits. Today women's magazine JustLady to meet the wishes of their readers, will talk about how fast do the splits.

In the category Fitness: yoga asanas

Everyone understands that in order to do the splits, you need stretching. If you've had experience of such exercises, then restore the form, you will certainly be easier if you are a beginner, stretching will take longer.

The abilityquickly do the splits depends on age. Over the years, our body becomes less flexible joints lose their mobility, and the muscles and ligaments - elasticity. However, do not think that if you're over 30, then quickly sit on the string, you can not. Here the point is, what period of time taken for "fast."

Can take today (with help, of course) and tomorrow will rest in the Department of Traumatology. A stretch can be competently, acting depending on the age and degree of flexibility.

If you do decide to do stretching exercises toquickly do the splitsLet's first define the extent of your flexibility, and depending on that we learn what kind of stretching will suit you.


Knead for 20 minutes and start the test.

Stand with your feet put together, make a downward slope.
1. The fingers do not reach the ankle - 0
2. The fingers touched the floor - 1
3. You can touch the floor with his hand - 2

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Make tilt sideways.
1. Fingers hands touch the knee - 1
2. You do not hold your fingers to the knee - 0
3. You can touch your calves - 2

Lie on your back, legs perekin'te head.
1. You can not touch the floor legs - 0
2. Straight leg touch the floor - 2
3. You can touch the floor, but the knees are bent at the same time - 1

Sit on the floor, legs straight pull ahead. Lean forward.
1. you stretch your fingers to your toes - 1
2. You can only touch the ankles - 0
3. You bows toes - 2

Now we calculate the scores and know the results.

Less than 3 points. Erstwhile flexibility is lost completely. In Order Toquickly do the splitsMust carefully stretched and not suffer pain when stretching. If the pain does not disappear after a few seconds after the stretching exercises, you should decrease the intensity. Pre-exercise warm-up is recommended for maximum long-term warming up the muscles.

From 3 to 5 points. You have average flexibility and may well return is still possible. Only need to be engaged with caution. In order toquickly do the splitsYou'd better deal with dynamic views stretching.

From 6 to 8 points. You are to be congratulated, you have a great stretch. In order toquickly do the splits you'd better focus on the static type of stretching exercises, working on the principle of "pain is - there is no pain."

 Types of stretch marks

Ballicheskaya stretching. You can use this type of stretching to quickly do the splits, but if you exercise regularly. This type of exercise includes various swings, springy movement. In this case, the thigh muscles are lengthened, stretching as much as possible. However, practice more complex types such extensions, for example, jump with a landing on the string, you can only seasoned athletes.

Dynamic stretching involves exercisesWhen you take some sort of stand and freeze it, stretching the muscles for a while. This type of stretch to fitquickly do the splitsAt least at an average level of fitness or some time after the start of training.

Static stretching less traumatic, and is suitable for beginners. Your muscles will stretch under the weight of the body or with the help of (accurate) to your assistant. You do not take any active steps, everything happens automatically.

For greater effect in one workout is better to combine dynamic and static load, the better to start with the first one.

How fast do the splits

How long should stretch to quickly do the splits

If you are just starting out stretching exercises, you will accept such a scheme.
You stretch the muscles until until you feel a slight pain. After this exercise is finished and you are waiting for about 15 seconds. If during this time the pain is completely gone - the load is selected correctly. If not - you are too zealously pulled muscle, you need to put less effort. On average, one approach a novice takes half a minute.

If you have some experience in the sport, toquickly do the splits can be stretched on a "pain is - there is no pain." In this case, you start stretching, wait for the appearance of pain and wait for another 30 seconds, as long as the pain will pass. This principle is based on the physiological characteristics of the muscle. Stretching, she begins to get sick of stretching reflex. After 30 seconds, the pain goes away, and you end up stretching.

Whatever kind of principle and stretching you choose, to practice, toquickly do the splitsYou need regularly. It is recommended to do this twice a day for 40 - 60 minutes.
You should begin with a warm-up exercise, or cardio, which should take at least 20-25 minutes - less than you are prepared, the duration of the warm-up longer.

And, of course, the main question asked by those who want toquickly do the splits - How long will it take? At a young age (under 25 years), the splits can be 3-4 months of training. If you are not yet thirty, it will take from 4 to 6 months older than thirty years will require more than six months of regular exercise.

These dates are approximate, designed for a person with average data. Your degree of flexibility, compliance and regularity, as well as some features of your body and the body may change these terms as one and in the other direction.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Stretching, way, age, twine, exercise period, asanas