Going to the gym. Tips for beginners.

 You took himself in hand and tomorrow start going to the gym? That'S Perfect! You should consider some of the nuances. If you are on a solid job, be prepared to actively sweating. That's why in addition to clothes you definitely need two towels. - One for the soul, the second, smaller - for the gym. Also, do not forget to gel or soap, washcloth and slippers.  

And that visitors often overlooked gyms?
Anything - from shoes to shirts. In large fitness clubs for such forgetful customers a possibility to take the form of rent or shoes. If you still had to deal with in socks or bare feet, be careful. It's easy to get hurt dumbbell kickbacks or accidentally fallen drive rod, so I recommend to look carefully at his feet.

What form is best suited to workout in the gym?
If you come to a serious intensive training, better give up too tight clothes, so as not to attract attention and not be distracted herself. The same applies to the abundance of decorative details: zippers, rivets, laces. The best option - a free T-shirt or t-shirt plus comfortable pants without hindrance. You do not have to constantly look back to the mirror to check if everything is in order with the form. In this suit, of course, should you like. If the will is not very intense exercise can be put on a more open and vibrant form.

Do I have to remove the long hair on the occupation?
Yes, it is better to make a ponytail or bun, not to be distracted once again during training. Dissolve the hair can be, if you are performing exercises on a bench or simulator with high back - then barrette will just get in the way. I advise you to also shoot big jewelry, chains, rings - all this prevents concentrate.

Is it worth to buy special gloves for training at the gym?
At the initial stage is much more effective to engage without gloves such as the weight is still low. When a person begins to work with heavier weight, it is necessary to protect your hands, because the pressure of the simulator or rod in his hands is greatly increased, and no gloves is not enough. At this level you can go about two months of regular training literate. (Another purpose gloves - improving the quality of adhesion between the palms and "gravity", as the hands are sweating and heavy weight can simply slip out of them. In addition to gloves for this more effectively applied magnesium or conventional chalk).

Is there a special etiquette behavior in the gym?
The main rule - respect for the people around you. Made, for example, litter towel on the bench trainer before starting the exercise. The fact is that people in the audience actively sweat and the seats are traces. So it is necessary to attend to others and at the same time take care of their own hygiene.

Many ladies love before training to use various sprays body with a pretty strong smell. Does not interfere with it during the lesson?
I had to deal with a large number of people suffering from severe allergy to these fragrances. In gyms and a small amount of air is quite low ventilation. Excessive use of cosmetics - and some are trying to drown so unpleasant odors - creates a sufficiently high concentration of irritants in the air and can cause allergies. So the gym is better to abandon the "aggressive" perfume.

What are the things you should not take with you to the gym?
Many customers believe that the rest time between sets - a good time to read a magazine. However, this only reduces the effectiveness of training. The fact that mental work distracts you from exercise, heart rate decreases, and you can no longer concentrate on the lesson. For example, if you cause the rejection of the music that sounds in the room, grab a player with light rhythmic tunes that you like. And, of course, the most important thing - it's your attitude to the active work and a desire to change for the better.

Author: Mr.Sport

Tags: advice