Fitness for the lazy: gymnastics, without leaving the couch

 Every morning, you give yourself a vow necessarily directly today to do them, namely, to enroll in a fitness club. But at the end of the day your only dream - to get to the couch. What's fitness, and you are so tired, and exercise .... Well, wait till tomorrow! Nothing has to be put off! Especially for you JustLady women's magazine offers a set of exercises that can be performed without leaving the couch.  

Under the heading Trends: bell skirt

These Areexercises suitable for even the most lazy - Gymnastics on the couch, what could be better? Immediately necessary to clarify that even though itfitness for the lazy, exercises to be performed with an effort, only then will it be good from it.

Fitness for the lazy. Gymnastics on the couch. Bracing

Any set of exercises is better to start with stretching.

Exercise 1. Lie on your back, pull your hands over your head and a good stretch. Feel like stretching the spine and all your muscles. Do stretching slowly and with pleasure, trying to use all the muscles to one.

Exercise 2. Lie on your left side with your right leg back and pull your foot to the buttock. Foot forward can not stand - the chest and thigh remain on the same line. Take a few springy movements. Repeat with the other hand.

Exercise 3. Lie on your back straight. Tilt your head one by one to each shoulder. Do this slowly, gently stretching the muscles of the neck.

Fitness for the lazy. Exercises for the chest and arms, without leaving the couch

Exercise can be done sitting or lying down. Raise your hands to the level of the chest and connect straightened palm, fingers look in the direction of the chin, elbows strictly separated the sides.

Set aside now joined hands as far as possible from breast to breast between your hands and formed the letter "o". The farther brushed his hands, the more muscle is activated.

Firmly press down the palm of one another, to bear a few seconds, release tension and begin again. Repeat 10 times.

Fitness for the lazy. Exercise for the waist. without leaving the couch

Lie on your left side, legs slightly bent, you can, but do not take back the pelvis. Right hand bend and put it on his head, elbow looks exactly the ceiling. Put your left hand on top of the waist. Lift the body up, trying to reach an elbow to the hip. Repeat 10 times on each side.

Fitness for the lazy. Exercises for the abdomen, without leaving the couch

Exercise 1. Upper abdominal muscles.
Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, put his hands on his head, elbows strictly in hand. Raise your upper body, as if trying to move the chest to the abdomen. If you feel a strong pull or even a burning sensation in the area, then work correctly. Do not strain your neck, work the upper abdominal muscles. Do 10 times.

Exercise 2. For the lower abdominal muscles.
Lie on your back, arms at your sides, legs bent and pulled up to his chest. His hands and heavily straining the muscles of the lower press, try to raise your knees up to his chin still. Head and shoulders are not raised. Each time the muscle tension you will turn out swinging through voltage-relaxation. Do 10 of these wiggles.

Fitness for the lazy. Exercise for the buttocks, without leaving the couch

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Slowly lift up the body, straining the gluteus maximus muscle. Need to climb as high as possible to his knees and chest to form a ramp. At the highest point of pause for a second, maintaining tension. Then slowly lower yourself down.

Exercise is necessary to do it in slow motion, to have time to feel how more and more tense the muscles.
Repeat 10 times.

Fitness for the lazy. Exercises for the legs, without leaving the couch

Exercise 1. Lie on your back, legs straight, lift up. Hands behind your head or along the body. Slowly spreads her legs as wide as possible and slowly return them back to the position. This exercise will help strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the thigh.

Exercise 2. Lie on your left side, pull your pelvis forward. Raise your right leg straight up, making sure that the basin is not "left" back. Sock thus pull over. If you bend the body (trailing pelvis), it will work the front thigh muscles, so try to keep a straight position the body for a deep study of the field of "breeches."
Do 10 times, turn over and repeat for the other leg.

After the exercises also need to perform stretching.

Stretching for abdominal muscles
Lie on your stomach, place your hands on the sofa straightened, lifting the torso. Try to raise it as high as possible, stretching the abdominal muscles.

Stretching for the gluteus maximus
Get on your knees, then sit on your heels and lay down a breast on bent legs. From this position, stretch forth your hands, being careful not to tear the buttocks from the legs. Feel the stretch glutes.

Stretching for the legs
Sit with legs apart as far as possible. Lean forward and then to each leg without bending the knees.

Now the complex is completed. He takes quite a bit of time, but, if performed correctly, helps to significantly strengthen the muscles and improve the figure. You will certainly feel it if you dogymnastics for the lazy every day.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: press, sofa, waist, exercise, gymnastics