Fitness during pregnancy

Fitness during pregnancy
 Pregnancy - is not a disease, but a natural physiological condition of the woman. Light exercise will only benefit, lack of movement adversely affects the well-being and leads to intense weight gain.  
 During pregnancy, a woman should take care of the baby's health and safe childbirth. Before any classes you need to get a doctor's recommendation, which oversees the pregnancy and knows all the nuances that can adversely affect a woman.

During pregnancy is strictly forbidden to engage in combat, participate in team sports, skiing, roller skating, swimming diving, horse riding, step aerobics and jumping.

Fitness training should be regular, non-intensive. After exercise heart rate should not exceed the maximum allowable mark. For the calculation of the need to take away your age 220. This will be the maximum rate of the pulse under normal classes, which take place not during childbearing. During pregnancy, heart rate should not exceed 70% of the resulting numbers. For example, if a pregnant woman 25 years, the calculation is as follows: 220-25 = 195. 70% of 195 = 136 5 bpm.

Not to exceed the load efficiently to wear during exercise special bracelet with the sensor. Exceeding the target heart rate - this is not the only signal the completion of training. Classes should be stopped immediately if there was shortness of breath, abdominal pain, bleeding from the genital organs. In this case, you should immediately see a doctor.

Fitness contraindicated in pregnant women with cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, toxemia, preeclampsia, placenta previa. It is also worth to be fitness for threatened miscarriage, if you have a history of miscarriages, polyhydramnios, high blood pressure, uterine bleeding, with growth retardation.

If a woman is intensely trained prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy classes can not interrupt, but the intensity of physical activity will have to reduce by half. If fitness is the debut, it is better to postpone the start of the second trimester of pregnancy.

During training you can not remain long on the back, lift weights, exercise, through force. Physical activity should be easy and enjoyable.

Experienced coach or trainer will help you choose a safe exercise program that will be useful to a pregnant woman.

Tags: fitness, exercise, sport, activity, pregnancy, time