Exercises with dumbbells

 Women often avoid gyms because they believe that exercise with dumbbells exclusively for men. They think that if they lift weights, they will become more powerful, but not slimmer. And therefore prefer aerobics or other sport. However, even if the woman is not a great desire to be able to increase muscle bulk, since as a rule, they are not produced by the organism appropriate hormones. If you want to be slim and beautiful, the workout with dumbbells - the best way for this.  

How to choose a gym

The overriding factor in our appearance - the ratio of muscle and fat. Alter its shape - this means to reduce the fat layer through diet and exercise. At the same time, thanks to training with dumbbells have normal muscle tone.

These sessions help burn extra calories. Catching up with dumbbells, you lose an hour about 400 kcal. Moreover, exercise with dumbbells permanently normalize metabolism: lean muscle fibers burn more calories than fat. Therefore, well developed muscles in the first place means a high level of metabolism, and not only in the gym, but also for the whole day. This is good news for trying to lose weight. Studies have proved that training with dumbbells are very useful to improve the well-being, giving confidence and well-shaped body.

As you get older, exercise with dumbbells help stop age-related changes. In the aging process, people gradually lose muscle tissue usually within 2 25-2, 75 kilograms per decade. This means that your metabolism slows down and you get unwanted fat. Classes with dumbbells can counteract these changes.

Strength training has a number of advantages in terms of health for all age categories. And certainly do not have to be young to see all these benefits. Exercises with free weights help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. In a study of women in menopause, it is shown that only two 45-minute sessions a week is sufficient to maintain normal bone density.

Classes with dumbbells promote better digestion, reduce the risk of cancer of the spine. The food in the body of trained people moving twice as fast, and thus reduces the probability of absorption of carcinogens.

Training with dumbbells are very useful if you are concerned about back pain resulting from the weakening of the muscles. One study claims that 80 percent of back pain are if to strengthen the muscles in the area.

Besides sports, strong women are less likely to be injured.

Learn to some exercises with dumbbells and the results are sure to be pleased:

Take a bench or sturdy chair for balance, bend forward and lean your left hand on the bench. In his right hand holding a dumbbell. Straighten your back and raise your forearm parallel to the floor. Pull the dumbbell back until your arm is nearly straight and parallel to the floor will not. Hold it for a few seconds, then slowly lower and inhale.

Lifting dumbbells to your shoulders
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. Take in each hand dumbbell so that the knuckles facing forward. Raise your right arm in front of you, breathe out as long as the dumbbell will not appear at shoulder height, and hold it in this position. Then inhale and slowly lower the arm. Repeat ten times with each hand.

The slopes of the "Boating"
Take a sturdy chair, bench or other stable surface for balance. Lean on a chair with his right hand and the left hand holding the dumbbell so that the hand hanging to the floor.

Straighten the arms, hands pressed against the body every time you lift the dumbbell to the chest. Simultaneously, breathe out. Then, while breathing in, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat ten times with each hand.

French squat
Stand so that the legs were spread a little wider than shoulder width. Take the disk dumbbell and hold it with both hands crossed on his chest. Slowly inhale and lower yourself to the floor until the thighs are parallel to it. Squeeze your glutes and exhale, and then return to a standing position. Repeat this exercise ten times.

This same exercise can be done without weights - your muscles will still get a significant burden.

Fitness Tips

Position occupied with weights 2-4 times a week.

-Always Properly perform exercises. Each exercise should be done slowly, controlling his movements.

-After Exercises with dumbbells rest at least one day to the body recover between sessions.

-Follow A specially designed training program with dumbbells.

-If You have high blood pressure, before the training with dumbbells, consult a physician.

Tags: dumbbell, exercise