Charging for the lazy

Charging for the lazy
 What if I want to look better, but feel like spending a lot of time? Even the most lazy people who tear from his chair and beloved laptop is very difficult during the day are constantly moving. Periodically repeating some simple exercises that you can draw a movement in their favor. This charge will effortlessly keep your body in good shape and will be useful for those who lead a sedentary occupation forces lifestyle.

Charging consists of exercises that activate unused muscles and relaxing those muscle groups which, in sedentary work are in constant tension.

To begin, relax, close your eyes and think of something pleasant, presenting before the eyes of a beautiful picture.

First, relax the muscles of the neck, slowly lowering his head down when you exhale and take the breath. Repeat this exercise 5-7 times. Now take a slow necks from side to side, starting position - head straight.

On the inhale tighten the abdominal muscles, count to ten, exhale and relax. For training the chest muscles precede a clenched fists at a distance of 30 cm from each other, slowly lean on them, count to five. Repeat at least 50 times.

Next, relax the muscles of the spine. Clasp your hands together behind her back to the castle and pull them down to the chair seat, while raising the chest. It is important to proper breathing: to exhale necessary to bend the back arc, and breath to do at the maximum aperture is raised. To train the shoulders make a circular motion back and forth, repeat 5-7 times. Spin it should be straight and stomach pulled.

The next part is the charging of the exercises for the abs and legs. Straighten your back, place your hands in the seat and slowly tear the legs off the floor or with force rises on tiptoes. Repeat 5-7 times. Another option exercises - splay and raised feet together. Next, imagine that on a swing: legs straightened forward crank under the seat, pull forward and back crank back without touching the floor.

In conclusion, stretch our hands, making waves and circular movements of the wrist. Squeeze the hand into a fist and repeatedly make a dramatic emissions fingers.

These simple exercises will relieve you of tension in the muscles and fatigue at the end of the day.

Tags: place, work, exercise, exercise gymnastics