Berg's technique for growing

 Low growth - one of the most common causes of complexes at any age. Little Men often feel insecure in dealing with women. A miniature of the fair sex are perceived by others a little girl who often have to prove their worth. Women's magazine JustLady offers you a unique method of Berg, whose author claims that increase your height at any age. Growth rates are impressive: 4-5 cm per month. Berg's technique involves a complex exercise, plus classes in psychological training. We give a detailed description of this technique for our readers.

In the category Fitness: Afro jazz, ethnic aerobics

Train your body

The first steps to an effective increase growth will exercise that offerstechnique Berg. What you need to do:

1. Put Feet on the width of the foot, and lift up your hands and somknite the castle. Then stand on tiptoes and stretch the whole body upward. Now you need to separate your hands and hold them longer locked behind his back. In this position, stand up and raise a little heel socks. This exercise should be repeated 10-12 times.
2. Place the feet shoulder width apart. Now tilt your head to the left and right. Try to touch the shoulders, without raising her past. Perform 10-12 times in one and the other side.
3. The legs should be spread apart (wider than shoulder width). Naklanyatsya forward and touch the floor with your fingers. Repeat 20 times.
4. The position of the body - feet wider than shoulder width. Perform tilted back, his fingers touch heels. Perform 20 times.
5. Change the position - right leg bent at the knee and holds the foot to the knee of the left leg. Now try to bend forward and touch the hands of sex. It is necessary to perform 20 times for each leg.
6. Taps hands back and take over his chair or bar. Squat, holding support 20 times.
7. Starting position - feet together. Tried to touch his head knees without bending down. Perform 20 times.
8. Sit down on the floor. One leg must be pulled forward and the other bent at the knee. Foot to pull over. Bend forward 20 times.
9. Lie on the floor. Legs pulled, hands divorced in hand. Begin to alternately lift straight legs. The number of executions - 20 times for each leg.
10. to roll over. Legs extended, hands are placed along the body. Now beginning to raise its head.
11. Sitting embrace straight legs and in this position slowly pulled up.
12. Starting position - kneel. Put your hands shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, hands outstretched. Lower the head and touch the floor.
13. Sit on the floor of the "Turkish" pose. Hands to close the lock and pulled upward as possible.
14. Sit on the floor and legs extended forward. Now lean forward and We reach the hands to the tips of my toes. Head to get his knees.
15. Lie on your back. Hands placed under the lower back. In this position, lift your legs up, slowly setting the stage for their head.

All exercises are offeredtechnique BergWorth to perform 2 hours after a meal. This complex contributes not only to increase growth, but also allows you to create beautiful and correct posture. That is why it will be useful to all our readers.

The great strength of self-hypnosis

Auditory training that describestechnique Berg, Should be carried out in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Sit back, you can sit or lie down. Back select a support under the head put a pillow or cushion. Close your eyes. Before you spend auditory training, prepare your body: tense and then relax all your muscles. All thoughts "put aside", focus on spoken words. Each phrase is worth repeating 3-5 times. The whole session continues for 5-10 minutes.

Think about the words ...

These are the words which,Berg method, Help to increase growth and help to balance the state of mind. These words should be meaningful to say, without being distracted by other thoughts:

 I calm down. Now I am calm (at);
 My legs slowly grow heavy;
 Pleasant warmth fills the left foot, then moves to the right. Warm flow reaches the left and right hands. Heat disperses throughout the body;
 The body was warm;
 heart beats smoothly and quietly;
 Breathing easy;
 The body is completely relaxed;
 The strength in the muscles of the arms is preserved and enhanced.
 Who set of exercises will only benefit me. The body will be pulled out as much as possible, it is now independent of my will.

On the last sentence should brush clenched in a fist and keep them in this position for 10 seconds. The session has ended.

Alexander I. Berg - author of the procedure, writes about the impressive results that have the power to everyone. Go for it. We are confident you will succeed.

Julia Poroshenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: program, the author of growth, video, exercise, fasting, review, recipe, method, increased, the spine, the technique, stretching, Alexander Berg, I.