A set of exercises with dumbbells

A set of exercises with dumbbells
 Exercises with dumbbells are among the most difficult and dangerous for the body. You can not make them all the necessary systematization. Therefore, there are sets of exercises.
 Each complex is designed for a certain level of rights. In addition, there exercises aimed at the development of the same regions of the body, they must alternate.

Anyone can create for themselves a set of exercises based on the parameters of its own body. In this case, plays an important role not only a set of selected exercises, but also the number of times their implementation. So what are the exercises?

Exercises for the muscles of the shoulders №1: sit on a bench in the hands take dumbbells, hands parallel to the body, bend at the elbows. Raise your hands up, straightening them. Exercise should be performed 10 times.

Exercise №2: stand up, hands at his sides, feet shoulder width apart. Holding dumbbells, alternately straighten your arms in front. Repeat this exercise 10 times for each arm.

There are exercises with dumbbells and chest muscles: Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms bent at the elbows. Straighten arms perpendicular to the chest.

Exercise №2: being in the same position, connect straightened arms over chest and slowly spread them apart. Repeat the exercise must be 6 times.

To strengthen the back need to use a barbell: Put trainer on the floor, stand up in front of him and raises the bar to a level pelvis. For this exercise come with special attention and care. Your movements should be smooth, and the weight of burdens small. Otherwise, you can rip back.

To develop leg muscles, you need to squat with dumbbells. In this case, the back should remain straight and your feet supported on the entire surface of the foot.

Exercise №2: stand up straight, holding dumbbells, feet together. Alternately throw forward then right, then left leg, squatting on her body. These exercises must perform 10 times, in the latter case for each leg.

Before performing any exercises with dumbbells, you must hold a workout to warm up the muscles. Sharp, an excessive load may cause considerable harm.

Tags: complex exercise, dumbbell, exercise