A new body in just one week

Soon it will be time to put on the dress open, and you are afraid to show lost the tone of the body? Secret here only two: to engage in 15-20 minutes every day and perform all the exercises correctly. In the weekly program is extremely important to regularly and strict adherence to technique. Better once read a description of the exercises wrong than to do it from memory. And do not forget that the press should be tense, and the back is always straight. Then just one week increase muscle tone, and you bring your figure in order.

On your marks!

Start a new life with the next Monday. Determined to actively engage in every day until Sunday, depart not under any pretext. If you are afraid that will go the distance, invite friend - when one of you will start to be lazy, the other will not allow her to relax.


Work through the lower part of the body: thighs, calves and buttocks.


It is time to pay attention to the top. Do exercises for the muscles of the arms, back and abdomen.


Take care of circuit training: strength training should alternate with cardio - it would be beneficial for the muscles and the cardiovascular system.


Today only do cardio - burn extra calories at the same time.


The second time, as it should work through the lower part of the body.


Repeat a set of exercises that made Tuesday.


Complete the week of intense cardio. Thanks to her, you save energy accumulated during the week and activate the production of endorphins. Program you will end up in a good mood and not a bit tired.


You are in great shape, but if you do stop training, your efforts may be in vain. Continue to do. Not every day, but at least 2-3 times a week, but it will complicate the task. For example, increase the number of repetitions and time of exercise; accelerate the pace; strengthen the load by taking heavier dumbbell or barbell.

Lower Body


Lie on your back, bend one leg at the knee and the other, straight, lift. Knees are closed. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your pelvis as high as possible, relying on the bent leg. Try to keep the knees, hips and shoulders made a straight line. The main burden will fall on the back of the thighs and glutes. Repeat 15 times for each leg.


Stand in the middle of the expander, put his feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the ends of the elastic band. Slightly bending your knees, lean forward so that the angle between the back straight and hips was 90 . Try not to bend your elbows and no slouch - imagine that between the shoulder blades, you must hold a pencil. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 15 times. To complicate the problem, you can cross the ends of the expander.

Steps up

Face the steppe or the step height of 20 cm. Take a step up, and then the same foot - down. After ten steps change the leg. Continue to walk for 3-5 minutes.


Feet hip-width apart, stomach sucked. Step into the lead meter. Sit down to the knees of both legs were bent at right angles. Straightened. Repeat 15 times with each leg.


In the supine position (hands behind head) lift the legs bent at the knees. Clear of the floor only the chest, try to reach the breast to the knees, as if twisting. It is important to keep your feet did not fall, neck remain straight, and lower back - tightly to the floor. Repeat 25 times.

Upper body


Hook expander, for example, the leg of the cabinet. Sit on the floor: back straight, legs slightly bent, elbows at your sides. Not leaning back, pull the end of the expander to the stomach. Slowly straighten your arms. Repeat 15 times.


Accept position "stop lying": hands slightly wider than shoulder width, body tensed and stretched at attention. Bending your elbows and keeping your head at the spine, lower yourself, but do not touch the floor. Repeat 15 times.


Stand with your feet - hip-width apart, take a narrow grip barbell. Slowly raise it to the level of the chest, spreading his elbows to the sides. Lower. Keep your back straight. Repeat 15 times. Weight rod should be such that the last two or three to give you a lift to work.

Wiring with dumbbells

Sit up straight on the edge of the bench, straighten your back and pull your belly. Take a dumbbell (2 kg) and arms to the side, elbows bent at a right angle. Slowly lift the dumbbells over your head, straightening the arms. Return to starting position. Repeat 15 times.

Bleeding press

Lying on your back, lift your legs. Straining press, stretch the legs straight to the chest. Waist and shoulders should not lift off the floor. Slowly return leg in the vertical position. Repeat 15 times.

Circuit Training


Squatting, put your hands straight ahead slightly wider than shoulders, place your palms on the floor. Move your body weight on your hands and push the feet back sharply to strike a pose as if push-ups. Jerk back into its original position, and then jump as high as possible. Make as many repetitions as you can. Ideally - 15 times.


Stand on the expander and grab hold of the end. Feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, body weight shifted to the heel. Do not slouch, lean forward. Brushes keep clear under the shoulders. Without changing the position of the body, pull the ends of the expander to the chest, then slowly lower. Repeat 15 times.

Steps up

Walk up the stairs and left foot Pace up and then down, as we have described earlier. Watch the posture! Make 10 steps left foot, then 10 - right. Perform each exercise for at least 3 minutes. To complicate the task, walk two steps.


Stand with your feet hip-width apart, keep your back straight, hands down along the body, move your body weight on your heels. Sit down as if into a chair - not pushing your knees forward. Straighten up, repeat 15 times. This exercise can be complicated, taking up the post of average weight (10-15 kg) or dumbbells 5 kg.


The original stand: feet together, arms down at your sides. High jumping, dilute legs apart, hands lift and connect over your head. Need to land in the "legs apart, hands over his head." Again, jump to the contrary, to connect the legs and lower arms. Repeat 5 times at a rapid pace. Try not to get confused.

Toe the line

Lift up from a prone position on the toes and elbows (elbows should be well under the shoulders). Pull at attention, do not throw back his head. Tighten your abs and hold the balance as long as possible. Repeat 2-3 times.


15 times with each leg.

Running on the Spot

Within 1-3 minutes.