Vibroplatformy: employment, benefits and contraindications

Vibroplatformy: employment, benefits and contraindications
 The principle of operation is based on the vibration platform reflex muscle contraction and relaxation of the sequential movements due to vibration. The increased intensity of training can reduce the occupation and the absence of kardionagruzok does not overload the heart muscle.  
 Classes on a vibrating platform chosen by people who can not spend time on a full and lengthy workout - a 10-minute study of muscles on the vibration platform can replace two hour session in the gym.

Vibroplatformy choose to conduct health practices, recovery from illness and injury, as a method of physical therapy.

The effectiveness of training on a vibrating platform is expressed in the following results:

- Improvement of blood circulation;
- The fight against cellulite and a significant reduction in stagnant layer;
- Weight loss;
- Cleansing the body and the rapid removal of toxins, toxins;
- Increase muscle strength and bone density, flexibility of ligaments;
- Normalization of the nervous system;
- Improvement of metabolism;
- Improving immune defense;
- Support skin elasticity.

Training on simulators based on the action of gravity - the body tries to resist her, and increases the load, the muscles being worked out every second that provides incredible effectiveness of training. Depending on the positions and intensities of vibration body can experience relaxation, load, stretching and massage elaboration.

Improvement of peripheral blood circulation contributes to the rapid excretion of the decay products, which gives vivacity and quickly restores power. Therefore vibration training to show people in the rehabilitation period - after serious illness and injuries of various kinds. The simulator is suitable for an active household use, as well as mandatory projectile many gyms and fitness clubs.

Vibroplatformy contraindicated in people with severe chronic diseases severity - diabetes, epilepsy, kidney and gall bladder, etc. The presence of artificial joints, prosthetic limbs, implanted pacemakers and other elements is also a contraindication to work on a vibrating platform. In any case, before you start training, you must pass a comprehensive examination and obtain permission from the experts.

Tags: trainer, exercise, exercise, use, Vibroplatformy