Nutrition for fitness classes

Nutrition for fitness classes
 Modern life moves fast, and to keep up with it, requires daily stress. Young living in metropolises today for its success just have to be very active. Otherwise, the long and be an outsider. This activity is expressed not only in the development of the career ladder. The ideal modern woman means as good intellectual development and good physical shape. Of course, to have this form on a daily basis just practicing on the keyboard and occasionally attempting to do some shopping, you can not. In order to support her, the need for systematic training, the possibility of which is now fashionable fitness. And that such training proved to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to proper diet. On what should be the mode, tells his readers female online magazine JustLady.

Proper nutrition during training fitness

In general, the selection of diets with individual fitness classes and can be made only true experts. After all, someone of us need to lose weight, someone better, someone to adjust some elements of figure ... However, any of the diets is based on common rules for all.

The main of these rules implies the alignment of the time eating in accordance with the time of training. If we are going to lose weight, then there must be no later than two hours before your workout and not earlier than three hours after it. Overweightfood before exercise not only threatens to digestive disorders, but does exercise ineffective. From the food, immediately after training should refrain because at this time in our body is a process of recovery agents. During a workout, your muscles are no longer synthesize protein, the balance of which begins to normalize when classes would end.Nutrition after exercise means that the body will do additional nutrients. They will help to increase muscle mass. And it needs only to those involved in bodybuilding or weight gain needs.

Nutrition during training for weight loss must also be of high quality. When we are going with the help of fitness to lose weight, it should be remembered during the occupation can not sit on a rigid diet and indulge in drinking and nutrition. When training on an empty stomach reserve carbohydrates in the body is significantly reduced. This can lead to unconsciousness. In order to exercise maximum efficiency, experts recommend in the classroom to enhance the metabolic processes have to drink water. It will not only help to improve the thermoregulation of the body, but also to accelerate the excretion of waste products.

Meals on training days. What food is most useful

When we exercise, our body is working very hard and in need of food rich in the first place, proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins are the basic building blocks of the body's cells. Its deficiency leads to that. that the process of disintegration of matter will prevail over the process of their synthesis. This means that the body after exercise will not be able to recover, which is why the immune system and decrease fatigue starts to accumulate. To avoid this, our need for protein is necessary to satisfy. Good sources of protein are freshwater fish and poultry diet.

Lack of protein can occur and if our organism lacks carbohydrates and fats. In order to compensate for the energy consumption, it will cleave the protein molecule faster than fat burning muscle. Therefore, when carbohydrates are necessary for all fitness classes, including those who intend to lose weight. Without them, we will constantly feel tired and. as a result, become moody and irritable. Replenish the body with carbohydrates can be using juices, fruits and dried fruits.

Fats are also excellent sources of energy, so to exclude them from the diet is impossible. However, fat intake should be very modest - too fatty foods during training can lead to diseases of internal organs.

On the whole,proper nutrition during fitness must be, first and foremost, is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and phosphorus. In addition, our diet must include foods that contain a lot of potassium, calcium and vitamins A, B, E and C. The required number only get from food is not possible, so it is best to choose the most appropriate combination of vitamins and be sure to take them during training . This will help maintain the balance of nutrients and always excellent feel.

Correctnutrition training days is extremely important and it needs to be emphasized. Otherwise, we can not only achieve the desired result, but also to cause substantial harm to their health. And it will agree, is unacceptable. Therefore, make up your diet so that your body is no shortage of necessary substances and working optimally. And then we will always maintain a good shape, and at the same time to be in good spirits.

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: diet, nutrition, fitness, training, exercise, weight loss, sports