How to start training in the gym

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 The number of gyms and fitness clubs is growing every day. If you decide to join the army of the patrons of these establishments, you need to know about some of the intricacies, before you start training. Beginners often make mistakes, not knowing what to start first. Be prudent and prepare for classes carefully.
 The first thing to do before visiting the gym, is to consult with your physician and undergo a full medical examination. If you find any health problems - please notify your coach.

Determine the purpose of your workout in the gym. What do you want to get as a result of training: a good muscle tone, trim figure, build muscle or just want to maintain your health? Based on these data, the instructor will pick you personalized training program for one month. Then the program is recommended to change.

The first two months worked out all muscle groups equally. More time is devoted to exercises on flexibility and aerobic exercises. At this time, learn to monitor their breathing. Once your body gets used to the small loads, you can begin to work on individual muscle groups. All attention should focus precisely on the muscle group on which you are working.

Alternation of power loads and aerobic exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill enhance the effectiveness of training. It should be remembered that for fat burning aerobic exercise should last at least 40-45 minutes. The recommended frequency of visits to the gym is at least 3 times a week.

Balance your food at a time when you go to the gym, will quickly lose weight and build muscle mass desired. The menu should prevail protein foods. The use of fats and carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum. Get a good range of vitamins and minerals. Try to take it regularly.

Do not end the exercise stopped abruptly. At the end of training is required to perform stretching exercises muscles. These exercises will help prevent muscle soreness the next day after school.

Tags: weight, room, training, lessons, exercises