How to sit on twine

How to sit on twine
 Ability to sit on twine increases your flexibility and plasticity. This is especially important for dancers, gymnasts, as well as people involved in martial arts. However, not everyone knows how to do the splits so as not to injure yourself. You can pretty quickly learn, for example, sit on the forward split, but that does not mean that you will also sit on the cross. How easy is it to sit on twine, judge for yourself.

Forward split. From a standing position with feet together information begin to put forward one foot forward. Gradually move the leg until you feel a mild stretch in the groin area and the back of the leg. Now, try to lower the pelvis down a bit. Allow 10-20 seconds.

Then slide your foot even further by going to the phase of developing stretch marks. Maintain the position for 10-15 seconds. For stability and support, you can use your hands.

Constantly practicing, you will gradually develop its flexibility and nominate your foot farther and omit the pelvis even lower. Shoulders hold strictly above the pelvic girdle, and try not to bend your back. Hold 10-20 seconds. Now make a similar action for the other side.

Do not seek to get good results in just a few days after the start of classes. It is a long process. Do not overreach or even injure yourself. The body itself will gradually adapt to the necessary changes for the execution of twine.

Transverse twine. Take a standing position. Feet should be parallel. Gradually dilute the sides of your feet. Feeling optimal tension in the muscles of the hips (with their inner side). Then try a little lower the hips to the floor. Help keep the balance arm. Hold an easy stretch at least 15 seconds.

With increasing mobility, you can push the legs apart even further, until you can reach the optimal degree of stretching for you. When you lower the hips, keep your feet looking up, and heels were pressed to the floor. This will help guide the load on the inside of your thighs, as well as to prevent overvoltage knee ligaments. Keep stretching about 10-20 seconds. Through every couple of workouts, increase the load, but do not see pererastyanites.

Tags: result, muscle activity, twine