How to sew a sports bag

How to sew a sports bag
 Sports bag should be roomy enough, strong and certainly convenient. The following description you can make yourself a foundation bag and decorate it to your liking.

Fabric for sports bags must be sufficiently dense. You can use other fabrics, in this case the bag is relatively not afraid of rain and snow (choose plaschevki dense species, preferably on some textile-based). You can also use unnecessary jeans, ripped and their pre-cutting, it allows you to style.

From cutting fabric cutting following parts bags, do not forget to leave 1-2 inches at the seams allowances:
- Base 30 x 40 cm (corners slightly rounded parts better), 2 + 2 parts parts for lining;
- The item for the lower and lateral sides of the bag 12 x 80 cm, 1 item + 1 item for lining;
- Top 2 Details 5 x 60 cm.

In addition, you will need:
- Lightning 60 cm (or more);
- Belt Feed for pens - about 1, 5 m in width 4 cm.

At the request can also cut out the required number of pockets of all sizes. If you are using old pair of jeans, you can use ready-made pockets product. Pristrochite pockets to the main or side panels.

Detail for the bottom and sides of the bag baste first one main part, and then to the other. The height of the sides should be less than 10 cm, than the height of the main parts bags (ie stitch details on the scheme: side 20 cm + 40 cm + bottom side 20 cm).

Sew along the zipper on both sides of the upper part. You should get a band with a zipper in the middle.

Sew the strip obtained with a zipper to the main parts: start with the basics and the junction of the side parts, then along the top of the bag, finished at the junction of the base and the second side panel. Do the same on the other side.

After this, sew end of the strip with a zipper to the end of the side parts.

If you want a bag with two handles, cut two pieces of ribbon belt desired length and sew the ends of the top of the main parts of the bag, leaving between the ends of the ribbon about 20 cm. You can choose to make one long handle. In this case, measure out the desired length of the belt tape and sew the ends to the side of the bag. The seams do double for greater strength.

Cutting and sew the lining in the same way as you sew base and side parts. Invest the bag in the bag and sew hidden seam on the inside of the bag, bending the edges of the pad.

Tags: hand, hat, bag