How to learn to slow down on skates

How to learn to slow down on skates
 Among winter sports skating is one of the most popular and beloved. Many people walk in the evening the whole family to the rink to have fun and to spend time. Important skill when riding is correct braking.
 Learn to skate, you can pretty quickly. The most common problem with braking. Courage and training will allow you to quickly master the technique.

If you are just starting to skate, increase your speed gradually. The faster you go, the harder it is to stop. Learn basic first braking at slow skating, and then gradually increase the speed.

To brake, you first need to stop accelerating. Stand with feet together and roll straight. Speed ​​gradually subside by itself due to the friction force. You can also start doing wobble leg movements: quickly change the direction of the blades from each other and then inside.

On figure skates on one or both blades on the toe have special teeth for braking. Use only one leg, otherwise you will fall forward. Brake the ridge, which is more convenient to you. Usually, right-handed rule applies, and the left-hander left leg.

Hockey skates on such teeth is not, so to brake using special equipment. Master them is not difficult, the main thing is not to be afraid. After several attempts, you must succeed.

To stop quickly, turn sharply need. However, novice to master this technique is problematic. Start with the easier option.

Right leg should be directed to the left at an angle of approximately 50 degrees. It should emphasize on the leg with the strength to skate there was friction with the surface of the ice. Torso need a little tilt backward or sit down to shift the center of gravity back and down, otherwise you toss ahead of inertia.

When you have mastered the method of braking with one foot, you can start training with both feet. Both skates and body need to rapidly rotated 90 degrees relative to the path of movement. Simultaneously, the body should be tilted back and with the power to put pressure on the horses, as if to cut ice. The higher your speed, the less you have to bend over. Special attention should be paid to equilibrium.

The more you train in braking on skates, the faster will learn how to do it.

Tags: foot, horse, turning, braking