How to learn to skate skating course

How to learn to skate skating course
 Ridge course - one of the modern techniques of movement on skis. Due to the high speed, an advantage of this style is very popular among skiers, amateurs and professionals. But for the development of skating will have to exert a lot of effort and time.
 If you have seriously decided to master the technique of skating, skiing Pick correctly. Their length shall be equal to the height of the elongated arm upward. While beginners to learn more advantageous on shorter skis, going later to the desired size. The ideal length of ski poles - a little above shoulder level skier. Note the ski boots and bindings - they must be designed to drive the ridge swing.

Start classes are best for good groomed road in the woods or park. You can go skating course and the drifts, but for beginners it will be too heavy exercise. If possible, select a day with good weather - the temperature should be about 5-10 degrees below zero.

Take the starting position: stand on skis directly connect the rear ends of the ski, and dissolve in the front side at an angle of about 60 degrees. The movement is made by means of successive shocks skiing. Push follows: transfer body weight on one leg, and the other, jogging, vigorously and skillfully push down on the snow. Correct impetus always perform a full foot. Body while slightly leaning forward. Simultaneously with repulsion foot flick sticks. Immediately after the push stick quickly lift and push the base to the elbows.

After performing a push, you rolled on the support ski. Depending on the technique and the speed of the thrust force to be more or less high. Once the speed setting will be lost, perform another push other ski. And so throughout the ride.

In the first sessions, try to perform the maximum shocks slowly. This will help you understand and appreciate the work of various muscles and body parts, and coordinate them. With the growth of fitness, try to increase your pace to the maximum possible. Thus you will be able to develop such a speed, which did not count.

Tags: ski, speed, sport, running