How to learn to rotate skating

How to learn to rotate skating
 Any ice show or performance of the skaters in the competition is accompanied by virtuoso elements, such as rotation. So you want to repeat it yourself and impress your friends not just skating and graceful and virtuoso body on ice. Several training sessions - and you can do it.
 First we need to learn to keep their own balance, turn, brake, to feel confident on the ice and free.

Then proceed with the development of rotation in place. It should be straight, relax your body and hands pressed to the chest level. Right leg slightly bent at the knees, leaning on the edge of the right skate. Left foot without much effort should try to gently push off from the surface of the ice. In this case, should have a slow rotation to the right. During the rotation necessary to straighten the legs, keeping the balance. Do not just push off strongly, so the rotation speed may be too high. It is better to gradually increase the repulsive force, thereby achieving a gradual increase in the rotational speed. Very well, if you will be next to someone who can insure you if necessary.

If you are sure you have learned easily rotate on the spot, while not experiencing any difficulties, you can continue to develop more sophisticated rotation speed - pirouettes. The hardest part of pirouettes - starting rotation and its completion.

During the development of the front pirouette movement should begin soon enough. To do this, you need to vigorously push the right foot, left foot to bend and continue left along the circumference. Right leg should be drawn up and make "swallow" hand dissolve in hand, did not appear to unsteadiness. Outstretched right foot should try to direct the movement of his body in a spiral, twisting to the left. When the rotation you have already received, you can straighten your left leg, and right at this time to pull back, holding the position of "swallows". Rotation should be continued, there is no need specifically to untwist itself. Gradually, when the rotational speed begins to fade, you should try to make an easy advantage of the body forward and gently slide slowly start coming out of the pirouette.

Rear pirouette done a little differently. Necessary to move the same circumferential position to maintain the body such as when the direct Pirouette. However, in this case, the movement starts from the back, so do a pirouette back a little bit harder. When you move, you need to change of leg to send his body to the left side, gradually accelerating and starting to twist the large amplitude. Followed by gradually reduce the diameter of an imaginary circle on which you move, and continue the rotation in the center on the right foot. Left leg at this time need to be set to "swallow" and send it your body, twisting it even more. Better to keep your hands to the sides, so much easier to keep your balance. After pirouettes spindown should finish smooth sliding to the left side.

Tags: horse, rotation