How to learn to ride a figure skates

How to learn to ride a figure skates
 Ice skating - an excellent lesson that will help keep the figure in shape, spend time having fun, making new friends and acquaintances hit intricate stunts at the rink. Learn to ride harder than to choose and buy skates. Not every instructor has a skating rink, so you have to learn the basics of self-mastery.
 To learn how to skate well, you need to choose the right skates. Seahorse should really sit tight on the leg, otherwise you risk to dislocate his leg, so take your size. If you're going to figure skates rental, bring warm socks in case they will be a bit high.

Carefully lace the skates to the top. On rollers usually offer old skates are not the best quality, so you should from time to time their pereshnurovyvat. Tighten the laces tighter to the foot was flat, not hanging. First, learn to just stand on the ice. Keep your legs slightly bent, otherwise difficult to reach equilibrium.

To begin to move, expand one leg out and push off the inner edge of the ridge, shifting his weight to the other foot. Do not put your feet parallel, so nothing happens. Alternate these movements, and you have a ridge running. The main thing here - more practice gradually by trial and error (falls) you will learn how to move forward and increase speed. Do not forget to bend your knees slightly. And do not use while pushing teeth curly horses, which are located on the front.

Traffic on the rink, as a rule, is counter-clockwise, so it is important to learn how to do the left rushes in time to turn. To do this, tilt the body to the left. Right legs carry his left, as if you were her substitute what to e fall. When the legs crossed, continue to change them. You will begin to move in an arc.

Next you need to learn to slow down. To do this, turn slightly sideways movement and set one foot forward. From the first time you are unlikely to succeed without the experience so easy to fall off, so perform this trick only at low speed.

After falling in the middle of the ice rink can be difficult to get up on skates. No need to push off the back of his hands, sitting on the ice. First, kneel, place your hands on the floor and climb. If you are a heavy blow, do not need to immediately continue to ride. Get to the rim and get some rest.

Tags: skate, skating