How to learn to do tricks on skates

How to learn to do tricks on skates
 If you are confidently kept on ice and can easily slip and slow down, it's time to learn more complex figures and tricks. If you have a well-developed sense of balance and coordination, you can perform these tricks in just a few sessions.
 The first thing to learn how to make turns. If normal slip and so-called "long step" (some time to pass on one leg) are mastered, the rotation will be easy to learn. Begin to move forward, and when you want to turn, right foot kick off by submitting left arm and shoulder forward. The housing will curl left. Right leg itself will be on the ice at the right time without any difficulty. After that, keep going, stepping down. If you push the left leg is weaker than the right, you will constantly rotate and drive in a circle.

Rush - a more sophisticated way to turn, it involves an edge ridge. To make a dash to the left, turn the body into the turn, moving his right arm and shoulder forward. Tilt the body to the center of the ridge, to make the arc. After that, take out the right foot forward, crossing the line of motion of the left foot. Bend your right knee slightly to shift the weight on that leg. The outer edge of the left skate push down on the ice. But you can not push off teeth, otherwise you may fall. Start sliding on the inner edge of the right skate - you will not fall, because the enclosure is tilted toward the center of the circle. Bring the left foot to the right, push. You will start to go to the outside edge of the left skate. Continue to put one foot.

Learn to ride back. Stand with your back to the direction of motion. Put your right foot at an angle (to the teeth looked at the second horse) and push down her back. Then made the same movement with the left leg. Work out consistently pushes, after some time the body will learn to control the movement and you slid back.

One of the most difficult elements of figure skating for beginners - rotation. Arms close to your chest, lean on the outer edge of the ridge, a little sit down and push off foot to the side of the edge. So you will rotate on the spot. When this technique will turn out you easily, go to the development of revolution in motion. Before trick little change direction of movement (if you were driving in a clockwise direction, start moving counterclockwise). Leg, on which you will build during the rotation, keep a little bent. Make a push right foot and move to the left. Gradually straighten the supporting leg. To get out of the pirouette, move your body weight slightly forward.

Tags: horse, trick element skating, rotation, rotation