How to create a fitness program

How to create a fitness program
 Coming to the gym, women try to solve certain problems or achieve some specific goals. But to do this, without any specific training plan - is very problematic. Each person is unique, and training plans offered by glossy magazines or the Internet may not be comfortable. Try to make your own fitness plan.
 Before starting the course, define, and what you have.

Ask friend to photograph you in full growth in a bathing suit. Photo taken from different angles. Stay relaxed, do not strain your muscles. This will help you easily identify the most problematic areas. You will see that lack of muscle mass, the condition of posture which muscles sagged, and where excess fat.

Take a sheet of paper and list on the right-hand half of all their problems and disadvantages. On the contrary disadvantages write what you would like to receive as a result of a busy day. Do not write: "I want a perfect figure." Shall describe in detail: pump up the arms and buttocks, correct posture, do press relief, to lose 10 pounds.
Based on this list, it will be easier to make the training program.

The next step - The weekly lesson plan shall describe. The first two weeks will be introductory. At this time your task is to disperse the cardiovascular system and prepare it for future loads. Cardio will not only strengthen the heart muscle, but also to start the mechanism of fat burning. Excess weight is especially odd when you start to train in the gym.

Two or three times a week jogging needed. Start with walking briskly, and then go on a run. Gradually you prepare to go to the hall. Enter one strength training per week.

Choose your exercises. Do not forget to muscle growth need intensive short-term load. To enable the work of the growth hormone, you need the exercise with a barbell or dumbbells. If you have never played sports, start with exercises with dumbbells and gradually increasing the load, go to the bar.

Strength Training is recommended in order to purposefully work out one specific muscle. Rod brings more benefits in less time.

The first strength training is required to be supervised by an instructor. Take the money on tutoring. This consultation will help you save a lot more money because of the proper technique results will appear sooner.

In each session, try to completely change the exercises to work out the muscles from different angles. At the same time, it will help you to choose the most effective exercises for further training.

If your plans had been a decrease in the volume, do not limit yourself only aerobic exercise. Strength training is also required. Do the exercises with small weights and lots of repetitions, it will make your muscles strong, toned and simultaneously removes fat.

Planning aerobic exercise, the third week start making them more diverse. Interval running will help you to put into operation the muscles and ligaments, crossover - enhance endurance.

Another way to vary the aerobic exercise group classes will be once a week: aerobics, dancing, water aerobics. The variety of activities will allow you to easily overcome the most difficult stage, when the body is only involved in the work and the results are not in a hurry to please you.

Starting from the fourth week, increase the amount of strength training. Now you can combine cardio with two three-three power. Do not forget to start training in the gym with a treadmill workout for 5-10 minutes. This is necessary so that the muscles and joints warmed up and prepared for loading.

Training itself starts with the exercises that focus on the most problematic areas. This is due to the fact that in the beginning of the lesson you have more energy. Women often "behind" the press, thighs and triceps.

Do not seek to immediately raise the maximum weight or to make a large number of repetitions. Increase their load must be gradual. Get a sports blog, which will record your results. Once a month, spend control measurements of their anthropometric data and compare with what it was in the beginning. This will make your progress more obvious and help in time to adjust the program.

Completely change the training program every six months.

Tags: program, plan, fitness instructor, training, exercise, counseling, cardio