How to choose running shoes for fitness

How to choose running shoes for fitness
 For each sport produced different shoes, all models are lightweight, comfortable, safe and breathable. Choose sneakers in the sporting goods store - only there you will find the latest innovative pair. Bring a new cotton socks to properly assess the fit and comfort shoes for foot.
 Shoes made of breathable synthetic mesh ensure correct air circulation and ventilation of the foot. Insoles must be moisture management - only then can not be afraid to overheat foot. After all sweaty feet are vulnerable and susceptible to infection by the fungus.

Outsole with a whole system of air chambers provide excellent cushioning and reduce the load on the foot from shocks. It makes a pair of sneakers easier to 10-15%. Look for shoes with soles Diamond FLX company Nike, she bends in all possible directions and can provide good support for the foot. This will allow you to enjoy yourself on any simulator and covering tracks.

Look at the heel sneakers, because when walking burden placed on the heel. Therefore, this part of the shoe should not rub the legs after prolonged wear. Well, if the top edge will be blown roller. Very comfortable model with a recess or cut-out for bones protruding.

Comfortable height difference between the heel and sole principal of not less than one and a half centimeters. Sole shoes should not be slippery, because you go to the gym, to improve your health, not to cripple.

It is better to try on shoes in the evening, when the leg swells slightly. So you do not buy tight, uncomfortable pair. Be sure to talk with the shop assistant, before making a choice. Between the toe shoes and thumb should be a bit of empty space to the foot comfortably placed inside the shoe.

Laces should strongly squeeze the foot, so as not to interfere with the blood circulation. And the classic, and the loop lacing equally well fixed shoes in the foot. But some prefer the loop. Try models with asymmetrical lacing arrangement, and appreciate the convenience of this innovation.

For lessons in the hall Choose a model with a sole that leaves no marks on the floor.

Tags: shoes, running shoes, fitness