How to choose a rope

How to choose a rope
 Skipping has recently become increasingly popular form of fitness. However, this type of exercise is not new and it takes its origins from the unjustly neglected the usual jumping rope. Skipping on energy costs even more than a quick run and allows you to get rid of 210 calories in just 15-20 minutes, carrying 100 bouncing for a minute. Rope you can do both at home and at work, and at play.

This simple device as the rope attracts many more and its modest price. Jump rope takes up little space, and except for the basic functions, it can also be used for a variety of games and competitions. If we consider the health benefits, then this simple simulator improves coordination, raises the tone and the level of general physical condition engaged. During the lessons skippingom strengthen all muscles of the legs and body systems (respiratory and cardiovascular). In addition, the athlete gaining endurance and strength.

And now directly about the choice of the rope. The first thing you need to make sure that the length is chosen optimally. To do this, take the rope in his hands at the ends and pull them somewhere at chest level. Jump rope to be in contact with the floor. If this method for some reason is not available, use produced before calculating the optimum length of the rope with respect to human growth. With the growth of the person and 1, 5 m length of the rope is the best 210 cm; growth of 1, 51 to 1, 65 m rope length = 240 cm; increase from 1, 66 to 1, 82 m = 275 cm and height of 1 m 83 = 300 cm.

It is also looking to the handles, which must not be slippery hand. Prefer those models skipping ropes, handles which rotate freely. In this case, your rope is not twisted and confused during class. Additionally weighted jump rope handles some will contribute more actively to strengthen the arm muscles.

In many sports stores now sell the rope with built-in counters. Such devices are not only jump through, but the burned calories. With this simulator athlete has the opportunity to plan their course of studies. If when choosing a rope material from which it is made, we can say the following: the most durable rope will rope made of genuine high quality leather. Nylon rope weigh very little and they are very convenient and comfortable to use. Therefore, choose a rope that is suitable to you in all respects and forward to the ideal figure.

Tags: pen, jump rope, skipping