To achieve high elasticity of the ball it must be inflated to 5 cm longer than indicated in the instructions, and then let the air out, thus bringing the diameter to the desired size. In the future, if necessary, you will be able to pump fitball or blow away so far as you need. To understand how well inflated exercise ball, click on it hand - correctly inflated sag a couple of centimeters. With a good selection of feetball sitting on it, your thighs parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the lower leg. It is also possible to pick up the ball on the rise. With the growth of up to 160 cm in diameter is required fitball 55 cm. With the growth of above 160 cm diameter of the ball should be 65 cm. The more inflated fitball, the harder it is to perform exercises on it due to the instability of the ball. If the ball is inflated too weak, then the desired effect on the muscles and needed a massage you get.
Perform exercises to slip and level surface to prevent damage to the ball. Keep the ball for better fitness inflated, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. This will allow you to keep it in good condition as long as possible.