Physical activity during pregnancy

 Physical activity during pregnancy helps to feel better, prevent some unpleasant moments and promotes early recovery after delivery. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the body to the load, which falls to the lot of women in the care of the child (for example, need strong hands to carry it). Can be engaged at any time during pregnancy, but it is better to consult a doctor to avoid complications. Classes should bring joy. If you do not want to do the exercises today, it is better to postpone for another time. The complex can be carried out every day, but does not prevent respiratory exercises done several times a day.  


1. The muscles of the neck. Starting position: feet shoulder width apart, hands down. Head tilt to the right, and go back to. n. Tilt your head to the left and back to. n. Tilt your head forward and back in. n. Tilt your head back, reaching her chin up, and go back to. n.

2. The leg muscles. Make a lunge to the right (left) leg, heel "rear" feet on the floor. You should feel the stretch leg muscles and stay in this position for 10 15.

3. The muscles of the back and hamstring. I. n. - Legs slightly bent, one in front, hands rest on the thighs. Round the back, reaching up the spine and lower the head down. Then gently arch your back and move your pelvis, feel a slight stretching of the hamstrings of the leg that is in front. Repeat 6-8 times with each leg.

Exercises to help keep your posture:

1. I. n. - Feet together, one hand holding on to a chair, the other on the belt, shoulders slumped, the pelvis slightly forward post, to avoid subsidence in the lower back. Once or twice (1-2) foot forward and upward on the W-4: bend your knee, 5-6 foot forward and upward. 7-8 and. n. Repeat 4 times, then switch legs. Perform 4-6 approaches on each leg. Leg raises low so as not to change the position of the body and do not bend the supporting leg. Shifting his weight on one leg, do not tilt your pelvis to the side!

2. I. n. - Feet together, hands apart, toes turned outwards, the pelvis slightly forward to avoid bending at the waist. 1-2: bend your knees, without lifting the heels off the floor / 3-4: 5-6 and n ..: right (left) leg to the side - to toe, 7-8 and. n. Repeat 16-20 times, each time alternating leg. Pull the leg to the side, do not rely on it, the body weight remains on the supporting leg!

Exercises to prevent congestion in the legs:

1. I. n. - Feet wider than shoulders, feet turned outwards, his hands behind his head to the castle, elbows to the sides. 1-2: Shift the weight to the right, bending the right leg and climbing polupalets (at the toe) hand in hand. 3-4 and. p. 5-8: the same to the other side Repeat 8-10 times in each direction. Shifting his weight to one side, do not bend!

2. I. n. - Feet together, hands on waist. Crouching, put the right (left) foot forward on the heel, then the sock, then again on the heel and back in and out. n. Repeat 16-20 times, each time alternating leg. Squatting, do not lean forward!

Exercises for the muscles of the legs:

1.Myshtsy inner thigh. I. n. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands on waist, hips slightly forward. Now imagine that you have clamped spring between the thighs, and begin to squeeze her, straining the muscles of the inner thigh, Try to do slowly tensing and relaxing the muscles a bit, at least two minutes. During muscle tension or wrap knees inside!

2. The muscles of the outer thigh. I. n. - Feet together, hands grasp the back of the chair. Raise your right leg to the side, without changing the position of the pelvis and body tilting to the side, feel the outside of the thigh muscle strain Slightly lower leg without touching the floor, and lift again. Repeat 4 times and go back in and out. n. The same with the other leg. Repeat for 8-10 sets with each leg. During the exercise the body and keep the pelvis still. The muscles of the supporting leg fixed, do not settle for this leg!

Exercises for the muscles of hands:

These exercises you will perform sitting on the floor: a mat under the pelvis small pillow to make you more comfortable.

1. The pectoral muscles. I. n. - Sitting on the floor, legs skrestnye, hands in the castle continue, elbows to the sides. Push down on the palm of his hand, straining his pectoral muscles, just relax. Repeat at least two minutes. Do not lower your elbows down, hands bend too close to the body. During muscle tension or wrap knees inside!

2. biceps. I. n. - Sitting on the floor, legs skrestnye. right arm slightly bent at the elbow, left hand on the forearm of his right hand. Bend your right hand, left hand resisting slightly relax, performed in one minute, then switch hands. Perform each exercise, do not dismiss case back.

Relaxation (performed sitting on the floor, legs skrestnye): Hands relaxed on the knees. Turning your head to the right, hold 10-15 seconds, slowly turn to the left, hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat again.

Breathing exercises:

1. Breast breath. Arms bent, under breasts, fingers of the right and left hands touching each other. Breathe in the chest, abdomen remains motionless (To determine the correctness of the implementation, pay attention to the fingers: they diverge when inhaling.).

2. Abdominal breathing. Palms lie on your stomach. Your abdomen, the chest is not moving. Belly inspiratory move forward on Doha returns you back. Pace and thoracic and abdominal breathing is slow, but the thoracic breathing breath to perform "one-two" and out with "three or four", as in typhoid - inhale on the "one-two-three-four," exhale - to " five or six or seven or eight. " You can alternate between the two types of breathing: two breaths chest, then one inhale-exhale abdomen. If you feel dizzy, stop the exercise and breathe in as you normally breathe, can lean hands on the floor.

Do not make too deep breaths, breathe normally, just try to control the tempo and rhythm of breathing.

Note: Before proceeding with the following training complex, you should consult with your doctor!

Tags: pregnancy