Charging the subway

 Everyone wants to be beautiful, strong and healthy. But, alas, not everyone has the time for gyms, clubs. How to do exercises in the subway, bus or even while waiting in line, tells the master of sports, a consultant in Moscow fitness center ZIL, Professor Nurbiy Gulia.

In professional sport is very popular so-called isometric or static exercises. Isometric exercise can engage people with no prior training, the appropriate sports equipment, without departing from the basic training, in between times.

The main benefit that brings Isometric exercise, in addition to build a harmonious and beautiful posture - a proper metabolism, slowing the aging process, the willingness of the organism to stress.

Exercises "approach" will be referred to below as the execution of one cycle of exercises such appointment, and "Repeat" - the number of movements or loads that cycle.

Leg muscles

1.Hip extensor (Or quadriceps) - one of the most massive "base" of the skeletal muscles. Indispensable for beauty leg woman, and moreover, it is a powerful "pump", dispersing blood throughout the body. With her better and start training.

Sitting on a chair, the support legs on the floor at full foot. Straining the muscles of the thigh, just raise a trunk (1-2 cm) from the seat and hold it in this position until enough forces. Hands nor about not rely, does not help your feet. Then rest 10-15 seconds and then strain.

In one approach for the skinny, that is willing to increase the amount of muscle - 5-7 repetitions, then rest a minute. For the "burning" of fat muscles - as many repetitions (20 or more), but more short-term.

In the second approach the duration of the voltage is increased, and the third approach - the most intense, holding on for dear life. The fourth approach - frequent but brief voltage.

2. The front of the thigh.Exercise is especially helpful for women with thin thighs. Standing up against toe without bending it into a wall, cabinet or other obstruction. We press forward, as if trying to move the obstacle. Duration, repetition frequency, number of repeats and approaches hereinafter the same as in the first routine.

3. The inner part of the thigh. This exercise has a cosmetic effect for women with natural clearance between the inner thighs; with enough perseverance you can "fill". Is clamped between the inner parts stop any object - a table leg, the ball and squeezes the subject feet.

If no subject is no pinching leg until it touches the stop and pressed one foot to the other. You can perform this exercise and alternately for each leg, trying to move sideways any object inside of the foot.

4. The back of the thigh. Standing against the wall abuts the heel of the straight leg and foot back we press, trying to "move" the wall. Useful exercise for women who have thin thighs and flat back of the thigh.

5. The outer part of the thigh. Exercise creates a "curvy hips," especially when they are outside of the plane. Standing against the wall, trying to "push" it to the side, resting on the outside of the foot.

6.Calf muscles. Strong calf - that's the beauty shins, and feet at all. Calf muscle develops when transferring body weight (support) on the toe of one foot. Heel slightly off the floor, the other leg slightly raised off the floor. Grabbing hold of the door frame, cabinet, the battery tube and so on. D., And, as if picking up these items, prigruzhajut foot addition.

7. The front part of the leg. This exercise gives the "roundness" shin - cosmetic effect for women who are on the front of the lower leg visible "bone" - "sharp" knee. Original position, as in the previous exercise, but the support is not on the toe and heel. Sock off the floor. Desirable "prigruzami 'hands, as well as for the gastrocnemius muscle.

8. Gluteal musclesThat relate to the leg muscles probation. Perhaps needless to say, a "cosmetic" effect for the figure of a woman give strong and firm buttocks. They "turned inside out" outside the hip, so we need to counter this, which is quite difficult. It is best to squeeze hands some object - a thick book, pillow - to the lower abdomen and clenching his buttocks, trying to move this thing forward.

Arm and shoulder muscles

1. Biceps, or the biceps- A symbol of strength. Exercises to develop them very much. Conveniently strengthen biceps in transport, seizing "a hand to him," the handrail, as if trying to catch up on one hand. Duration, number of sets and repetitions, as in previous exercises for the legs.

Sitting on a chair, you can make hands to himself and tried to lift the knees past - this exercise once for both hands. Especially effective at the same time to develop biceps triceps.

2. Triceps, triceps or shoulder. They are very important to create a harmonious beauty shoulders and arms, as well as an anti-sagging, sagging weak muscles and fat.

In transport can, grabbing the top rail "palm on my own," trying to raise the latter, as the weight. Effectively and harmoniously develop your triceps with biceps, one hand grasping the wrist and the other, hardly overpowering the other one hand, slowly bend and unbend, grabbing his hand.

3. Forearm muscles (Also sometimes referred to as the Japanese, as they are very well developed in athletes of martial arts). They are very important to create the right forearm beautiful shape and generally the woman's hand.

It is necessary to grasp with one hand the head of the brush and the other resisting, squeeze, as is usually done strongmen, praise. Then change hands. Fingers crossed right and left hands, try resisting, "wring" the other one hand back. Then the second hand - first.

In this initial position "wring" one hand brush the other side. Then the second hand - first. Thus all these exercises can be performed with both hands motion - flexion-extension, as well as purely isometric, i.e. with stationary arms, but the voltage of the same muscle.

4. Deltoid shoulder. She makes beautiful and rounded shoulders of women. You can, fingers clutching his belt on the sides, as if to seek to dissolve hand in hand standing or sitting. You can stretch outstretched arm up in an insurmountable obstacle and try to pick it up. You can replace this obstacle second hand, pressing down on the first one.

Trunk muscles

1. Pectoralis major muscle. They are very effective for women, as a good basis for the bust. To develop them easily enough. Connect front of her, whether stretched or bent and wrists to push one to the other.

Standing or sitting, do "at attention" and put pressure tassels on hips or near them. Sitting, put your hands straight in front of him on the table and put pressure on him, trying to get him to the floor. Or perform the last exercise for the deltoid muscle. The number of approaches, repetitions and tension as before.

2. Latissimus dorsi, or "outset" as they are called athletes. Particularly useful for thin women. Stand sideways to the obstacle - a wall cabinet - and tried to pull the side arm as if to push the obstacle back. This can be done while sitting. In parallel with the developed abdominal muscles, namely the "twisting", which is very useful.

3.Psoas. It is mainly engaged in weightlifting in the so-called "becomes a force." It gives women a thin waist, slim. Simple exercises to develop the muscles of the lumbar: sitting on a chair, grab hold of the edge of the seat and resting his feet on the floor, as if trying to lift it.

4. Trapezius muscle. It is located between the neck and shoulders, is involved in raising the shoulders. Therefore, the first and third exercises preceding paragraph need to try to lift the shoulders. Women trapezius muscle attaches "roundness" shoulders, sporty look.

5. Abdominal muscles. They are extremely important for the health of women and harmony. Drill press should be done every day at any free time! One we have already seen in the exercises for the latissimus muscle.

Other performed sitting, focusing hand to try to lift the seat of the chair legs, knees bent or straightened, a little bit of rest and hold in this position. Lying on your back to lift the straight leg slightly above the floor and hold it.

Side of the press develop if sitting, grasping with one hand on the side of the chair seat, as if trying to lift it. Then change hands. The number of repetitions in the exercises for the abdominal muscles can be increased as have the strength. The "many" of these exercises usually does not happen.

6. Neck muscles. They are very important for correct posture; they make women less like dandelion, give them a sporty look. The fact that the neck muscles are developing their own when doing other exercises, so good athletes usually dressed "issues" neck.

But women are especially useful and "pump up" the neck, both for its "thickening" and to remove the fat. Front neck muscles chin tilted down, so by placing hands under chin up against them and so hold. Rear neck muscles develop if make hands behind his head and, pressing on him, trying to tilt your head forward.

Lateral neck muscles develop, resting his hand on the temple and trying to tilt your head sideways or resting hand side in the chin, trying to turn his head sideways, against the force of arms.

Tags: charge, subway, thigh