In today's world, people between 20 and 50 years, as a rule, most of their time on jobs, careers, earning money. In addition, approximately 85% of women aged 20 to 35 are employed caring for young children. At the end of the day to chat just do not have neither the strength nor the time. Even ask how was your day in the second half, there is no desire. All too busy with their own problems.
The second obvious reason for exclusion of spouses - TV and Internet. Even 20 years ago, people were talking in the evening over a cup of tea. Now there is an alternative - 100 cable channels, social networks, computer games. Each buries into your screen, go into your virtual world.
The third reason alone - the different interests of the spouses. It is unlikely that his wife will be interesting to ride with her husband on a fishing trip, and his wife make Sunday shopping, go to aerobics and so on. The more years of marriage, the fewer points of contact between the living members of the family, the greater the personal life of each pair of shares as a whole. If there is no common work, hobbies, common goals and interests, it is inevitable in 15-20 years of marriage will close completely strangers to each other people.
Start a phenomenon such as loneliness married quietly for most families. It all starts with small things. Men begin to pay less attention to his wife, new life priorities, new goals. Gradually, the family goes by the wayside. The main thing - it's a big salary, because it's all done for his wife and children. And his wife is too busy household and children. Everyone feels absolutely right, expecting understanding and support, but did not try to understand and feel the partner. All absorbed in their own thoughts. Sooner or later there comes a stage of indifference.
But this phenomenon can and must be fought. Often need to talk with his half a heart to heart, sincerely interested in the affairs of a loved one. Always try to understand partner. The easiest way to get if you put yourself in his place and feel how he feels in a given situation. This approach initially remove many claims against each other.
Periodically should revive in the memory of your best moments together: the first meeting, the honeymoon, the birth of children. And, of course, experience new joint moments of joy. In addition, it is useful to have a family tradition that will have to unite and unite as a family for many generations.