In Sweden, children attend kindergarten in the year, the children can be left for 3 hours, and it is possible - for the whole day. Also, there are other options: some mothers arrange something like a home kindergarten. Sometimes mothers look after children in turn.
Standard daily routine does not exist in principle at the expense of greater freedom of choice. If you need to stay with the child at home parent, it can be a mom and dad. Working in Sweden paid adequately, so choose to. Schedule diverse: it's like a daily work, and work 2-3 times a week, night shifts, work a few hours a day.
With all this the Swedes are very sensitive to the accuracy, do not allow delays. Therefore, despite the absence of the daily routine, common to all, clearly laid out the day each family. Swedes work less than we do, but differ special diligence, concentration on the business and the high level of organization of labor. Therefore, the overtime they have - a phenomenon that is rare. This allows you to create exactly your schedule and allocate a fixed time for hobbies, meeting friends and recreation.
Grandparents live at home, children are raised by parents. However, the older generation is taking part in the life of grandchildren, and, basically, is a joint leisure and guest visits in the evenings or weekends.
After school, the Swedish children usually play sports - healthy lifestyle is very popular. Children have the freedom to decide when and how they do their homework, and when - to entertain.
By adolescence, children are increasingly coming together in the evenings. This is considered the absolute norm, and to 16 years in the parents themselves can take a son or daughter on the night disco on the previously agreed timetable.
For 18 years the majority of Swedes start a completely separate lives from their parents, renting a flat. Swedes believe that their free lifestyle and the same free education of children most effectively to prepare for the absolute independence.