Love relationship: lapel with his own hands

Love relationship: lapel with his own hands
 Dependence on another person is always more or less pronounced when you're in love. Sometimes it becomes obsessive, painful, accompanied by frequent panic attacks - from a love addiction should get rid of.  
 Determine the cause of their addiction, and only then you will be able to take some action to address the problem. Are you afraid of losing the person due to the fact that financially dependent on him, have children together and established way of life? Fear of losing the comfort and gain financial instability is under a practical grounds - to raise children alone is really hard, and if you're not used to work, access to the service may be for you an incredible stress. But these problems can not be called intractable and you have to decide - is it acceptable to continue this way of life, or are you willing to put up with everything in order to keep the old standard of living.

Common stereotypes that prevent you from moving forward - it can be your strong belief in what should be the ideal relationship, how to behave like a loving woman, what can not be in our time, etc. You can subconsciously afraid of what will remain alone and will not be able to build a relationship with anyone (consider yourself too old, fear the label "divorced", etc.). You rapidly react to everything that does not fit your principles of building relationships and trying to preserve what has long lost its meaning.

You need to consistently make out all your relationships - analyze his motives. Determine when you act according to circumstances and really wanted to, but when you just follow the procedure worked out response actions and words partner.

If your relationship is constantly fails, then think - maybe you choose a certain type of people. Compare their partners - describe their appearance, personal characteristics, features of character. As a result, you get a generic image with similar features. Try a dip into childhood, to deal with childhood experiences - it will help you determine the true cause of their addiction (fear of loneliness, lack of attention, and so on.). Often repeat to yourself that you have long grown up, become independent, self-reliant and self-sufficient person. Listen to your desires - fix everything that you really want, and try to do it without wasting time on futile attempts to bind to a person with whom you are not very comfortable.

Tags: man, hand, love, other, magic, dependence, lapel, MA