If you had a fight with her husband and want to reconcile Follow these tips and then you definitely will succeed.
Prepare dinner, cover the table, write a letter with all that thinking and feeling, because he can not hear or not to hear, but certainly read and understand your«message».
After that, go for a walk. Do not need to meet her husband«in full fig»and try to sit him for the preparation of the table. Maybe it is not only depressed quarrel, but tired at work. When he comes home, you will notice your efforts, rest, think about it. And you come back and be able to act according to circumstances.
If an argument with a loved one are frequent, do the following. Arrange in advance of a special word or phrase that is completely abstracted from the essence of the relationship («carousel».«peach»). In this case, well, when the word is funny or makes you happy, pleasant memories. If you do not come to mind, then use the magic phrase as simple words:«I love you».
During the height of the conflict, one of you must clearly say this phrase. Then shut up both a few minutes and then you can continue to sort things out.
Practice shows that after this quarrel is not there or it goes in a completely different, peaceful course.
If the conflict is serious, and the husband left, slamming the door loudly, then stepped over his own pride. You must be reasonable. Do not say to yourself:«First be reconciled? Never! If need be, call and come. I am not guilty!». The opposite side is thinking the same way. And can wait and not to come in and do not call. Then there will not be anything to fix it.
Remember, you and your husband - the two halves of the same whole. Surely you will not be able to talk or negotiate? Encourage him to talk quietly. Discuss the cause of the quarrel. It does not leave unsaid any important key points. Reticence can be stone, destroys relationships. It is important never to tighten quarrel and make peace as soon as possible. You can not escalate the situation.
If reconciliation does not remember past wrongs. It is only provoke a new quarrel. The most effective way to make peace with her husband - to apologize and promise each other for no reason and never quarrel. You - the most expensive people for each other.