Men used to solve all their problems with their fists and brute force, a woman, as being more fragile, has long learned that much can be achieved with the help of cunning and strength of conviction. If your favorite is firmly on its way and does not want to accept your point of view, it is easy to convince him otherwise by a simple method. Amateur ironed shirts are not always aware that they themselves do not become such. If you broke the iron, and you ask her husband to repair or, at worst, to give money to a new version or a negative answer, "Then, I'm busy right now" - is not the reason for the tears, tantrums and family scandal. Just remind her husband about the iron a couple of times and continue to go about their business. Of course, any man has important and urgent responsibilities at work and personal time to rest, but if he ignores your request to work will have to go in a crumpled shirt, and that not everyone will like. You will see that the iron will work magically after the first experiment, and you'll get their without any effort on their part. Also rest from ironing for a while.
Every man is different in nature, do not need to scratch one size fits all. If your husband listens to your opinion, and may even take it as true, it makes sense to argue sometimes, and make a strong case. With individuals who recognize only their own opinion and not accustomed to listening to women, arguing not only inefficient, but also useless - the good of it will not be all the same. Moreover, some men are starting to listen to the objections of his wife, in spite of her subconsciously go and do the opposite, even if initially were willing to do exactly what she advised. Only you know how to communicate with your obvious and only you are able to send it to the dispute in the right direction.
If truth in dealing with thorny issues sank under such weighty arguments as: "What do you know! "And" You did not ask, "Learn to say," Stop "and take a breath. Sometimes it happens that people started arguing about one, gradually moving on to another subject, and drowning in urgent grievances and unspoken reproach. Try to avoid such a turn and control yourself and all that you say in the heat of resentment. Often you just need to try to hear your interlocutor, perhaps he is trying to offer you something really worthwhile.