In the first place the girl in a wedding dress should be comfortable, and of course, her outfit should like. If the gestational age is more than 20 weeks in any case should not drag away the stomach, it is better to choose a model with a high waist. It is necessary to emphasize the breasts, which during pregnancy is particularly attractive. For expectant mothers should choose comfortable shoes, such as ballet flats wedding.
With photos are kindly requested to discuss all the nuances of a photo shoot, so as not to stretch over time and do not bother the bride.
If the expectant mother suffers from toxemia, it is necessary to choose such flowers for wedding bouquet, flavor is not irritating to the bride.
In any case, prepare a remedy for nausea. This may be a mint tea, peppermint drops, mineral water or aromatic oils. It must be always at hand, since there is the possibility of the wedding for the bride unpleasant flavor, such as the smell of eau de toilette friends or smell of food.
Expectant mother may also be useful sedative. Wedding for women is an exciting time, and perenervnichal can any bride. Pregnant girl excitement is not helpful, and mood swings expectant mother is difficult to predict. Therefore, the bride should be put next to your desk sedative. This can be a soothing tea, motherwort or valerian.
Should not be invited to the wedding many guests. This may tire the bride. As a newlywed with a tummy do not need to participate in a very active dancing and entertainment.
Of course, a pregnant bride should not drink alcoholic beverages. Perhaps a glass of champagne will not cause any harm to the unborn baby, but it is better not to risk it. Therefore, the expectant mother can resort to a little "tricks": pour into a glass of champagne instead of mineral water.