To begin to take care of the entourage. Stylized wedding always requires a well-designed scenery. Celebration in the Russian-folk style - is no exception. During the summer, a wedding to better organize in nature. Ideal - on the river or in the woods. Winter will have to settle hall restaurant is decorated in traditional Russian style. The more wooden objects will be present at a wedding, the better. To triumph was really steeped in the Russian spirit, chairs should be replaced with wooden benches, tables lay on the table cloth with painted ornament and put wildflowers. In addition, the holiday table should serve dishes in the Russian-folk style. No hint of modernity in the interior to be possible it should not.
The table should cover generously with the present Russian sweep. He must literally burst with national dishes. Dumplings hand sculpting, boiled potatoes with pickles, pancakes with red caviar, pie, Kurnik, pig on a spit, sbiten, mead - not a complete list of dishes to feast in the Russian-folk style.
The musical accompaniment to this marriage should act folk ensemble. You can invite accordion and balalaika. At the wedding should certainly sound funny ditties that are usually sung buffoons - an analogue of Toastmasters in Russia.
A significant role in creating a stylized wedding suits play. It would be great if the national clothes oblachatsya not only the couple, but also all the guests. The bride can be dressed in a simple sundress and groom - in a shirt-blouse and trousers. The girl's head, you can decorate a wreath of wildflowers or kokoshnik. Costumes for guests advisable to hire a local Palace of Culture. At worst, they can sew to order in the studio. Russian-folk costumes will give a special flavor triumph.
Bridal bouquet should be composed of wildflowers. Expressive and bright look of the composition of white daisies and blue cornflowers. Some brides do even more boldly, ordering a bouquet of poppies and sunflowers. On such a wedding is unlikely to be appropriate to throw the bouquet. But you can find a lot of old Russian wedding entertainment that will appeal to guests. Povodit can dance, a competition for the best ditties to hold such competitions as sack races, wall to wall, fight bags stuffed with something soft, archery, tug of war. Be sure to organize a walk in the carriage, drawn by three white horses with bells.
Wedding in Russian-folk style - it's not only a great opportunity to celebrate such an important event in my life fun, but also a great way to understand their relationship with a great country and the Russian nation. Bored at this celebration will not be anyone. The main thing - to stop in time of merriment!